Life is an everchanging reality! That’s my quote for the moments that take us further into ourselves and out of the disruptions of outer world’s into the deep mystery and the void space where all our secret selves lay in hiding like Jack in the box SURPRISE! to remind us all that we are an everchanging masterpiece in the making.
As I observe in others the light and shadow playing out one day Jekyl the other day Hyde I see the pain of long ago supressed emotions wanting to come up ,rise up and out whilst the ego defences grow bigger and darker holding on to that which it doesn’t know how to let go ,wanting to release feeling the light invite it in “come into the light”but turning away saying I can’t, I don’t know how.
So keep putting the light on for those who have not been able to find it within themselves because if they are around you,chances are you may be the lighthouse for them guiding them safely to shore .
Take responsibility for you , always, it always comes down to seeing our place in the bigger picture of how things play out in our world and what we have contributed to any pain or sorrow still unhealed or unresolved within yourself long after the others in that story have gone.
Responsibility for our actions the way we play things out and through,character analysis, take stock of who you are in any given moment as light speaks into them.
“Come into the light” she says, move out of chaos and into peace the true peace of healing, love,compassion ,letting go and knowingness that all of us are dancing the tango here getting twisted up in our own feet we are never sure footed in relationships because life is an everchanging reality.
Come back to the harmony within you ,let that be the invitation you say yes too .Nothing fancy just sweet simplicity a light step onto the dancefloor just a little step from the shadows of the old me past toward the call of your spirit and who she is calling you to become .
No fighting , surrender !tell that ego defensive self no more hiding we are exposed!!
Come out of the darkness , find the light inside you it’s always there waiting for you to come home .
All love cheaya /For Goodness Sake mastery in the mayhem podcast