Today, we are dealing with an enormous amount of information as the world changes. Now we can meet new people so easily, especially with the advancement of transportation technology and information technology lately. This forces a person to be able to make decisions quickly. In fact, most decisions are made by our subconscious mind ( subconscious mind ) based on data that has been experienced before. Because of this, people often make decisions based on first impressions – whether it’s the decision to recruit, to cooperate with, or to make friends.
First impressions are also not only judged by appearance, but more than that.
Nine millionaires and advisors shared their experiences when dealing with new people and how those new ones made a good or very bad first impression.
Regarding that, what comes to your mind about the first impression? What is physical appearance? Behavior? Or facial expression? Psychologists say that ” First Impressions Are The Last Impressions “. Therefore we should not take first impressions lightly. Let’s find out what are the reasons:
Playing with your hair

While women have been shown to touch their hair up to 18 times a day, playing with hair can send the wrong signal to the person you’re sepaking with. While it’s often used as a flirting technique, it can also indicate anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, and discomfort. When playing with hair becomes repetitive and obsessive, it can even signal an impulse control disorder.
Wrong hand position

Mind the position of your hands while sitting. You can put your hands in your lap, but don’t put them in your pockets because it will suggest that you are hiding something. If you put your hands on the table, don’t squeeze your hands too tight or put your palms down, it could indicate that you want to control the interviewer.
Also, while placing hands on the table and loosely folding them is an appropriate and even preferrable position in the Western world, this gesture would be considered rude in Japan and India.

Tags: Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Self Improvement, Productivity, Happiness, love, exercise, frugal living, Emotion, Relationships, Anxiety, Love, Marriage, self-improvement, Productivity, Happiness