We live in a generation where daily tasks are piled on to our everyday schedules. Between paying bills, shuffling the kids to school, waiting on hold on the phone trying to resolve issues, or being stuck in never ending traffic can seem daunting. Daily hassles account for majority of our stress. Not to mention we are more connected now than ever before between our email and conference calls outside of work hours. Heavy schedules and a constant need for connectedness can cause for a drop-in self-care regimens. Those who find themselves most busy though are the ones who need meditation and self-care the most. But here is why mediation should be a top priority. Just like a car with gasoline, if we do not fill ourselves up first, we too will stop running. By carving out time to meditate, you actually make more time because your brain returns to a relaxed state and you can focus more. By squeezing in 15 minutes to meditate, you also lower cortisol levels and reduce tension on your amygdala and hippocampus (the parts of our brain that are responsible for fight or flight responses and memory.) Meditating allows the brain to hit certain brain waves similar to sleep which allows for relaxation and rejuvenation. By meditating, you actually make the time you do have worth more while because you return in a calmer, more alert state.

Easy Ways to Incorporate Meditation Especially When You Think You Don’t Have Time

1. Download an App and play the guided meditation 15 minutes before bed 2. Play a meditation CD while driving in heavy traffic (as long as you are still able to remain conscious) 3. Do deep breathing exercises for the first 15 minutes of your lunch break 4. Go to a Yoga class 5. Go over affirmations when you first wake up in the morning 6. Participate in FitBit’s deep breathing breaks 7. Attend a meditation workshop 8. Listen to guided meditations while on a walk 9. Sit in the sauna after the gym and listen to healing/reiki music and meditate 10. Get a message and meditate while you are getting pampered


  • Anna K. Gallagher

    M.S., Burnout Coach

    Anna K. Gallagher, Coaching

    Anna is a visionary who transforms an instrumental amount of lives. She is a burnout coach who helps women go from burned out to balanced so that they can make more of an impact & income, both at work & at home.   She believes all individuals are uniquely crafted with a divine set of gifts and stories to share with the world. It is her mission to bring out the very best qualities in others through a creative approach. Her coaching mantra is: Hustle from the Heart. Anna became intrigued with research and worked alongside top doctoral candidates in the Workforce and Team Development Research Lab at the University of Central Florida. She served as the Vice President of the Psychological Society where she co-hosted the first psychology conference that was rated as the #1 resource for psychology students in the Orlando community.. Anna offers one on one coaching, public speaking services, workshops, and resources. She also currently teaches as an Adjunct Professor of Psychology in South Florida. Follow her on: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook