To keep us young and in good condition we must follow some healthy habits. In this way we will live longer and in better conditions. It is about having a bit of will and desire to improve every day whenever possible. Here we present 10 healthy habits that you should incorporate into your life.

Eat foods rich in fiber

Among them are fruits, vegetables, nuts, nuts, raw seeds and whole grains.

Drink two liters of water

You have to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This drink will allow us to purify the body and eliminate toxins , in addition to helping us to digest food much better. It also improves the condition of the hair and the skin.

Remove fats

Especially the saturated fats you find in junk food. Make sure that the fats you eat come from oil, nuts and fish such as salmon.

Practice sports regularly

You have to consider exercising at least three days a week . It is always more advisable to walk something daily, with three weekly sessions, than to do it all at once.

Reduce the consumption of salt

Excess salt causes water retention and high blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. It’s a matter of getting used to it, but you can replace it with spices.

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking or quitting using smokefree tobacco is difficult, but anyone can do it.

Know what symptoms you should expect when you stop smoking. These are called withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • An intense desire for nicotine
  • Anxiety, tension, restlessness, frustration or impatience
  • Difficult to focus
  • Drowsiness or trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Increase in appetite and weight gain
  • Irritability or depression
  • The intensity of the symptoms will depend on how long you smoke. The amount of cigarettes you smoked will also influence.

Forget once and for all about caffeine and stimulants. First of all you have to give up the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol . You can replace them with healthier ones. In a very short time you will feel much better.

Sleep eight hours

The body recovers from day-to-day efforts during the night, while sleeping. You should consider the night rest as a priority to enjoy energies.

Achieve a healthy weight

The body accuses a lot of changes in weight and the loss or gain of kilos in a very short space of time. OI therefore beware of the miracle diets.

Remove refined carbohydrates

They are usually foods rich in sugar , something that does not interest us to keep us in good condition. It’s okay if we occasionally treat each other.

Decrease stress

The stress affects physical, emotional and mental health . It is one of the great evils of our time. Everyone has some complication in the day to day.

As you will have seen, it is not so complicated to follow healthy habits