Being healthy not only means taking care of physical aspects but also your well-being and mental health are equally important. If you have appropriate psychological health, you can develop your potential and can positively face stressful situations that arise in your life, such as the loss of a loved one. In turn, you can spend and share your time with your family, friends and the community that surrounds you.

Valuing yourself and accepting yourself is a key aspect of maintaining your psychological health, which will allow you to enjoy life completely. However, if this becomes a struggle, your ability to feel, express and manage your positive and negative emotions -especially anger- will be affected. For example, if you have a permanent physical illness, have retired or been fired, you may feel depressed and stressed. These feelings usually happen, but sometimes develop other more serious problems, such as depression or anxiety. Therefore, having a sensible psychological state can shield you from developing these disorders. Try to follow the to get tips on how to feel physical, emotional and mental wellbeing:

1. Follow a healthy and balanced diet.

2. Drink sensibly.

3. Stay active.

4. Rest.

5. Sleep well.

6. Externalize your feelings.

7. Ask for help when you need it.

8. Accept yourself as is.

9. Stay in touch with your friends and loved ones.

10. Smile and laugh.

Follow a healthy and balanced diet

It is no secret that eating a healthy and balanced diet helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Food, after all, is the fuel of our body. You cannot put diesel in a gasoline machine, so, concerning this, you should not feed yourself inadequately – this will only make you feel bad.

Drink sensibly

Alcohol is a depressant euphoriant and affects brain functions. If you do not drink sensibly, or drink large amounts over a long period, you will be at risk of developing mental problems such as anxiety or depression.

Stay active

Taking part in physical activity regularly helps your brain release the so-called hormones of happiness (endorphins), which help improve the feeling of well-being. Do what most entertains you, such as a team sport, dancing, riding a bicycle or walking. Exercise like tai chi will also help you feel better. Try to be active at all times: people who are unemployed or suffering from the disease have lower self-esteem and have greater depression.


The negative changes that occur in life, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, being unemployed or retired can be key to feeling bad psychologically. At times, you may feel that the world is coming at you and that you are unable to reach a goal. The key is to relax, even meditating, to manage emotions and reduce stress levels.

Sleep well

Feeling tired affects concentration, de-motivates you and leaves you without energy. This can affect, in turn, mental health, so it is important to get enough sleep to feel rested and feel able to perform daily activities.

Externalize your feelings

Talking to others about how you feel will help you see everything from another perspective. Try to talk to the people closest to you so you can share your problems.

Ask for help when you need it.

If you feel that you cannot cope with yourself, you should not feel guilty or ashamed for asking others for help. Losing a loved one or certain changes that may occur in life are difficult to overcome, so it is important to remember that you can ask for help and the advantages that this brings to make the difference when it comes to carrying a certain situation.

Accept yourself as it is

Certain things can change your life. Seeing yourself as a worthy person, and not judging yourself with excessive zeal, will help you feel good and maintain an acceptable degree of happiness throughout your life.

In contact with your friends and loved ones

Maintaining good relations with the people around you will strengthen you, as it is always important to have contact with friends and family, especially in times of need. Even if you have not seen someone for a while, invite them to eat, write a letter or send them an e-mail.