I bet I can predict what your morning looks like: You wake up to a generic alarm clock sound, roll out of bed, get dressed, grab a mediocre breakfast, and leave the house still rubbing your eyes and yawning.
How’d I know? Because we all do it—it’s the only way we know how. (And if you’re not one of us traditionalists, I salute you!)
However, there are so many better ways to start your day than by following the usual patterns. Yes, you can journal, exercise, read, or meditate—but you can also get a little crazy and try any of these 12 other unique strategies to having better morning.
1. Massage your ears

Massaging your ears can help you to fully wake up. This can be done early in the morning while you’re still lying in bed. Applying stimulation to the sensitive parts of the ear can have a positive effect on how energetic and lively you feel.
2. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon

There are many reasons why you should swap coffee first thing in the morning in favor of a glass of warm water. It will improve the work of your digestive system, kidneys, and intestines; it can help remove toxins from your body; it can strengthen your immunity – the benefits are clear to see. You don’t have to squeeze the juice from an entire lemon for one glass, though – a quarter is enough. If you decide to drink this, it’s a good idea to wait 20-30 minutes before having breakfast.
3. Clean your tongue

We all know that you should clean your teeth twice a day. But you shouldn’t stop there: a huge number of bacteria also accumulate on your tongue, and it’s this that can give you bad breath and can lead to dental plaque, tooth decay, and problems with your gums. In order to clean your tongue, all you need is an ordinary toothbrush. Just be careful not to clean it too hard, otherwise you could damage the surface of your tongue. Continue Reading…
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