Want your child to be world-class at anything? Start with yourself.
I don’t have kids. No one has ever heard me saying ‘i want kids’.
Nevertheless, once in a while i find myself statue-frozen in front of those tiny baby shoes or a mini-Spiderman costume.
Frankly speaking, i am not one of those ‘walking dead’ counting endless isles of stuff. Whenever inside the store — i am always on a mission. Considering the above, turning into a vulnerable statue is double-surprising.
However, it’s not about the costume or shoes, i am stuck in the face of what’s behind it — commitment, compromise and courage to be a parent whom my child is proud of.
So, dear son or daughter, or both and multiple, these are my ten commandments for you. And, whenever you obtain the skill of reading, i promise to be courageous enough to share them with you.
1.Never try to please me.
Even if you think this is the only way to save me. Even if i beg you. Know — it is my ego bursting in tears, while my true self wants you to follow your heart.
2.Always make ‘the most scary’ choice.
Life partner, job opportunity, investment, passion… hesitant? not sure? stop. afraid? even better scared? go for it!
3.Start before you feel ready.
There is not such thing as ‘the right time’ or ‘the right place’. Perfection is false. Evolution is true. You can never evolve if you don’t start.
4.Never stop upgrading yourself.
I’d prefer to call it biohacking, though you may want to use some other definition. No matter how you name it, the question to ask yourself remains invariable: What can i do more?
5.Train yourself to make quantum leaps.
Never be satisfied by incremental progress.
6.Between saint and evil choose none.
There is no good or bad. All is one. All is right here and right now. Accept it. Stay true to your beliefs.
7.Be interdependent.
Skip dependent and independent stages of consciousness as fast as possible. Move straight to transforming-self. See beyond your mental frame. Cherish your goals and views. Burn unhealthy and limiting beliefs.
8.Trust and expect.
Being obsessed and tied to an outcome is a limiting belief. See p.7
9.Live now.
There will never be a better time than now. This very moment with its moves, colors, smells, sounds, touches and breaths. It is all you’d ever have. Live it.
10.Always remember to say ‘thank you’ ‘ i love you’ ‘i am sorry’.
To be world-class at anything use these simple yet powerful words. They helped the titans and moved the mountains. They have no substitutes.
Now it’s time for me to leave. I’m sorry. I love you. Thank you.
Originally published at medium.com