As a busy mom with a full-time business self-care is definitely a priority in my life. It has to be, otherwise, I find myself physically, emotionally and spiritually depleted at the end of every week and that is not fair to me or my family.
Self-care is one of those things we have to make time for or it won’t happen. Schedule it, put it on your calendar, whatever it takes to make it a priority. My weekdays are pretty busy with my two boys, hubby, business and checking in on my mom so Saturdays are when I can really focus on my own self-care. I want to share some of my top 10 simple ways every mom can have the best self-care Saturday (or any day) ever!
I love to sleep in on Saturday mornings. If Saturdays don’t work for your schedule, pick a day that does. Shut off the phone, close the blinds, turn off any distractions and snooze for as long as possible. Your weekend to-do list can wait an extra hour for you to catch up on your sleep.
The week days are busy, we try to block out time every day to spend quality time in God’s word but the hustle and bustle despite our efforts can pull us away from spending the amount of quality time we want and need. Saturday mornings can be a great time to spend that extra time you felt pulled away from during the week. Take time to write a verse that speaks to you that you can carry with you for the upcoming week.
Weekday busyness can make it easy to grab what is quick but not necessarily the healthiest. Make Saturday mornings a time to love on your body more and give it some proper nutrition. An energy boosting green smoothie like this one from The Fresh Table is a great one!
1/2 Cup 100% Orange Juice
1/2 Cup Coconut Water (regular water works too)
1/2 Frozen Avocado (can also use 1/2 banana)
5 Large Frozen Strawberries
2 Cups Fresh Spinach
Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, thin with additional water. Makes 1 – 2 smoothies
I know this is not an easy practice but a 24 hour social media detox just might be what you need to clear your heart and mind of the endless distraction and noise. Turn your notifications off or better yet hide your phone. I promise you will feel like a whole new person!
There is no better way to show yourself some love than to pamper your hair crown and I have a super easy way you can spend literally 5 minutes and go about your day while pampering your hair at the same time that will not only moisturize your scalp but help stimulate hair growth. I shared this quick tutorial for a simple, non-messy awesome scalp treatment over on my fan page with all the deets.
Have you ever heard the quote “And into the forest I must go to lose my mind and find my soul”? God created the first man and put him in a garden so he could enjoy God’s beauty. We were created to connect with the earth. Go for a walk, hike a new trail, venture down a favorite path, pick flowers, however connecting with nature inspires you. Use that time to escape your everyday distractions, clear your mind and experience a deeper connection with God.
If you are the type of person who craves connection with others, schedule a lunch date with your spouse or friend you haven’t seen in a while. Go to a favorite spot, choose a table on the outdoor patio if the weather is nice and enjoy a meaningful conversation.
Have a book you have been trying to start or finish? Curl up on your porch or by a fire with a cozy blanket and hot cup of green tea and lose track of time for a couple of hours. You deserve it! (need some good book recommendations? Here are 20 Best Books Of 2018 according to Amazon).
I don’t know about you but for me there is no better way to unwind from the day than with a relaxing bath to ease my body and mind. Add 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil to a couple of tablespoons of your favorite Castille soap and add to your bath water (never drop essential oil directly into your bath, it will just float to the top as oil does not dissolve in water). Lavender has natural properties to reduce stress and smells wonderful. I especially like this Plant Therapy Lavender oil.
End your day snuggled under your favorite blanket catching up on your favorite show or finally watching that movie you have been dying to see. Spend the rest of your evening chilling so you are well rested and ready to tackle a brand new week.
I hope you found these tips helpful. I pray you take this to heart and make your self-care a priority. Choose a few or them all to plan your best self-care Saturday EVER!