“I just don’t even know where to start.”

Something that I hear many, many times. People feel stuck, trapped, lost or confused and often have no idea how to break free from that. This then makes them stay in the same place, with nothing changing except an ever growing frustration for their day to day life.

You sometimes feel like this. You sometimes think, “What do I do?”. you sometimes think that unless you make big change nothing will really happen. Big changes are great and at times highly required, but they are also so many smaller things you can do that can have a profound effect on your life.

Things that don’t cost the earth. That don’t require huge risks. Things that won’t take up hours of your time. Things that require little energy. But the payback, the pay back to all of these little things, is huge.

Commit to engaging in these 10 things throughout your week and build up until they all slot into your day nicely. Notice how each little thing can have a positive effect, how they bring more clarity, happiness and inspiration to your life, and soon you’ll see how following these small steps, will lead you to feeling ready to make the big changes, take the powerful steps and live a life in true alignment of what you wantT

1) Get 8 hours sleep a night

I know that you didn’t even register that. Am I right?! You’ve read it so many times before, you’re like ‘yeh, yeh, whatever, tell me the next thing’. But honestly, this is a game changer. Show your body and your mind the respect it deserves and give it the down time and respite it needs.

2) Begin a daily gratitude practice

A life of abundance and fulfilment comes from an abundant and grateful mindset. Start a daily gratitude practice and watch your mindset feel like it’s been detoxed. You can begin by writing 3 things you are grateful for that very day and build on your practice from here.

3) Pick up self development books

For less then the cost of a yoga class you can pick up a self development book that will help you build your self belief, own your worth, listen to your gut and step into who you truly are. You may want to check out the likes of; Brene Brown, Jen Sincero, Tony Robins, Lewis Howes, Louise Hay, Susan Jeffers, Mel Wells, Tim Ferris.

4) Listen to educational and inspirational podcasts

What a great way to utilise the time you spend commuting to work, instead of mindlessly tuning out, begin your day with a boost of inspiration and encouragement.

5) Choose to make one meal a day highly nutritious and spend it eating mindfully

Start with one and keep building until every meal you eat is nourishing for the body & mind and spent being enjoyed mindfully away from phones, your computer or the TV.

6) Find an affirmation you love and read it daily

Pick one that resonates with you, print it and put it on your mirror, save it as your phone screen saver, say it every time you look in the mirror, use it in moments of doubt… whatever works best for you.

7) Reach out to the people you love MORE

Those people you think of? Spend more time connecting with them. Don’t wait until a special occasion or ‘when you have space in your diary’. Make the time now.

8) Help someone else in some way

Buy someone a coffee. Give a tourist directions. Help someone with their bags. Pick some litter off the floor. Offer your talented services to someone who needs them. Sponsor someone who is doing something for charity. Listen to someone when they need a shoulder to cry on. Pay a compliment.

9) Put your phone on airplane mode and carve out time just for you

Turn your phone off. Lose the distraction and ask yourself what you can do with the time you would usually spend scrolling to instead improve your wellbeing. What act of self care can you do with this time?

10) Spend more time in nature

You know that feeling you get when you breathe in a lung full of fresh air and suddenly all your problems just melt away? Give yourself more of that. Get outdoors. Embrace nature.