As we all know, this is a very charged time in America and, like me, you may be feeling a lot of emotion around the upcoming election. If you haven’t yet, please Vote and make your voice heard so you can put forth your vision for the country.
That being said, it’s important to make a positive plan for November 4th (and beyond) because you’ll probably have big feelings one way or the other. There really isn’t much in-between.
It’s also possible the results won’t be tabulated for a while so you’ll want to have an energy/mindset plan in place no matter the scenario. The key is to make your own well-being a priority because no one else can do that for you.
Here are a few ways to stay centered in the days after the election.
- Make a plan right now about what you want to create in 2021 no matter what happens. There are many areas of your life you do have control over so make an effort to spiral your thoughts upward.
- Be grateful for all you have in this moment. If you’re alive, anything is possible.
- Stay present and try not to get ahead of yourself.
- Limit social media scrolling and try not to be glued to the television. Stop consuming news a few hours before bed and listen to a positive podcast to replace anxious thoughts.
- Get out into nature, enjoy a walk or sit under a tree to absorb its healing energy. Open your blinds so natural light can boost your mood.
- Take deep calming breaths. Inhale for four counts, hold for seven and exhale for eight. Also, take naps and create a relaxing ritual for deep sleep.
- If you don’t get the election results you’re hoping for, reach out to like-minded friends for support and remind yourself “this too shall pass.”
- Stay hydrated, eat for nourishment, read an inspiring book, listen to tranquil music and take lavender baths to calm your nerves.
- Create small joys throughout your days like drinking your favorite tea, buying colorful flowers, lighting aromatherapy candles and jumping into clean sheets and a cozy bed.
- Remind yourself that The Divine is working behind the scenes for you and have faith that you will be guided, protected and loved.
My friend, you are in control of how you respond to events, people and situations so decide what responses will move you forward in your life. You can absolutely create beautiful things for yourself in 2021!
I’m praying for an outcome that changes course to a more peaceful, compasssionate USA. Let’s hope our country comes together so we can move forward in a positive way. Voting is our best chance to make that happen.