It might be crazy to think that for the last 10 years, I’ve been writing every day.
I couldn’t imagine how my 16-year-old self, decided to write all her day to day life experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I do know, she just wanted to have a way to remember all her memories if she needed to be reminded of something. Nevertheless, I am very grateful that I started it. Most importantly, I am very happy that until now, I still choose to write every day.
Throughout the years, journaling taught me a lot of things about myself, about life, and about how my thoughts and imagination have no limits.
I would like to share some of the most fundamental things I learned from journaling every day. I hope this will inspire you to write more.
I learned to know myself better.
Writing is a very personal journey. It’s about you and it’s meant for you. How you feel and how you see things from your perspective.
Journaling every day taught me to know myself better. It helps me understand how I feel. It allows me to be open, to be free, to express my feelings without judgment, and to be vulnerable.
It wasn’t easy to be exposed and to be heard at the same time. However, I couldn’t visualize what I am now if I had not taken the first step, and start the journey of journaling.
I learned to know myself better, and it leads me to love myself more.
I learned what’s important to me. What matters the most.
As we all know, writing needs effort. It takes up your energy, physically and emotionally.
Only the important things that have an impact on me and those which are memorable to me are in my journal. I learned to put effort into things that matter to me the most. I write about things that make me happy, things that make my perspective wider, things that leave me in awe, my dreams, my goals, and events that influence me.
Through journaling, I learned where to put my energy. I learned how to be conscious and be more purposeful with my time.
Being grateful every day.
A new day is always a new story. A new page of my life to fill up.
I learned to be grateful every day for the things I learned, new ideas I discover, the people around me who made me happy, and the work I am proud I accomplished.
I choose to be grateful for every entry in my journal. It helps me to be more humble and thankful.
Journaling is a practice and an everyday dedication. It is a commitment I choose no matter what, because every day I always end up being grateful, and being grateful never fails to feel good.
Journaling brings peace.
I know that there are more things that I learned from journaling, but I never knew that it could bring me so much peace.
It allows me to unburden all my heavy thoughts, anxiety, stress, and unwanted feelings which unendingly make me so weak and feel incomplete. However, once I write all those unwell feelings, I constantly feel so much better.
It is a gift that I am always grateful for. Especially in these uncertain times.
Maybe, all we need is to sit down and just write. Hopefully, these wonderful things I learned from journaling can convince you to start your journey of self-discovery, and I pray that journaling brings you peace of mind as well.