Running a business always has its hiccups and sometimes we all need a little advice. And what better person to ask for advice, than a business owner themself. Abe Sasson is the managing partner of 3nom technologies, a manged service provider and they have been operating their business for 15 years! We asked Abe to share his 11 life and business rules, and there were some surprises. Read on to find out what can make a leader tick.
- Don’t settle till you find your niche, but trust the journey. “I started as a pre-med student, then shifted into economics. My first job out of school was in the IT field, so I learned everything hands-on, from the ground up. It was challenging, exciting, rewarding, and now I have been in the IT industry for 18 years.”
- Trust your gut, not the status quo. “At 3nom, our motto is, “your IT is our IT.” Traditionally, IT service companies focus on selling solutions that benefit them the most through commissions and subscriptions. I think of every new client differently: if their company was my company, knowing what I know about IT, how would I solve the problems at hand? This results in a trusted advisor relationship and an endless source of pride and inspiration for me.”
- Do right for your customer. “Every aspect of our business, from custom IT architecture solutions to consulting, cybersecurity, and ongoing support, is customer-centric. So, those IT providers who are driven by incentives may be experts in the cookie-cutter solutions, but it is not what your business needs. We inspect every new technology through the lens of our clients’ needs.”
- Be your own competition. “In our history, we have cannibalized ourselves. We used to host clients’ emails in our cloud, but when Microsoft released a good solution that was more efficient for our clients, we moved them. This changed the contract, the revenue, but maintained and strengthened our relationship.”
- You can’t know what you don’t know. So find someone who knows and is on your side. “Over the years, I’ve helped many small and medium business owners to set up processes they didn’t even know they needed. Things like a password policy, the IT portion of an employee handbook, an email policy are all essential for the security and business continuity but are not top of mind for most managers. A trusted IT partner can take care of any knowledge gaps.”
- Be proactive. “Both in work and life, taking the initiative pays off. In IT, a proactive partner is essential because it’s the only way a business owner can sleep well at night. We help business owners navigate the technology waters. One of the most impactful things we do as trusted technology consultants are quarterly in-person reviews of all accounts (“this person left three months ago, why is his account still active?”) which leads to better security, cost savings, and improves system performance.
- Transparency is a competitive advantage. “Transparency between a business and all its vendors is essential, otherwise there is always a risk of foul play or miscommunication. All 3nom clients are getting reporting, regular in-person meetings, and 24/7/365 access to the team. On the back end, we continuously test the systems and monitor new solutions that may benefit them, even if they are less profitable for us.”
- You’re only as good as your last service request. “People only remember the last time they interacted with you. You can be the best thing ever, and everything can run smoothly behind the scenes, but it is the reporting, continuous everyday interactions that make or break the relationships.”
- It’s ok to admit you’re wrong as long as you will fix it. “Yeah.”
- You don’t need to choose a league to play with, as long as you play with integrity. “Many companies think there is a time or growth stage when outsourcing IT is appropriate or recommended. After 18 years, I can confidently say that there is not. For companies with less than 100 users, outsourcing is easy, more cost-effective, and leads to higher productivity, better security, and a solid foundation to build upon as the business grows. They get a whole team of experts on call, and none of the headaches that come with setting up their own IT. For the big players, we handle infrastructure while their in-house IT staff can focus on the peripherals and users. This frees them from having to hire expensive IT architects who will idle most of the time. Working with different sized firms on their unique solutions makes our daily work exciting!”
- More is more. “I am a very family-focused person. I have a lovely wife and seven kids and love spending time with them. I also love seeing my clients thrive. When we started with one client, they had a showroom and a shelf with three laptops for an office. Now, there are 45 people; having the technology at an affordable cost through 3nom has enabled their growth. I love helping people and businesses grow.”