To me, happiness is not a destination, it is more of a collection of moments, fully lived. It is not a goal, nor is it a permanent experience. It is foremost a decision.

Usually, people look at me with big eyes when I affirm that and then usually start arguing that life is complicated, that making changes is complicated, that they would make different decisions if they could, that it would take so much energy …And I always reply with the same answer, very simple and down to earth. Our life It is simply the sum of all the little things we do each day and 


So if you want to change your life? Start by changing the way you spend your typical day…. and stop listening to your little inner voice telling you that you won’t be able to do it! And I am sure you know about that voice pushing you to procrastinate when you shouldn’t.

Well, let me share some simple ideas below you can try…Maybe not all of them, but just try…

0 hours of television

Well, sometimes it is good to just unplug from social media and take time for yourself without feeling forced or compelled to switch on the tv or check your mobile. Try going outside in nature, watch the sky and the clouds, witness the bounty of nature.., the world outside broadcasts permanently too but we don’t listen and are not able to see…Do it for a couple of hours…just to realize that you are not a slave to your mobile and that you can … It is liberating. 

1 hour of movement /meditation

Do what you like and what feels right to you. Yoga, running, Swimming, bristle walking, a boot camp … just move that body and that lymph. Actually, any kind of sport equals meditation because it stops the Monkey always talking in our head. I enjoy my morning meditation as it allows me to listen to the other voices that are more positive. Prayer for me is a time to ask and meditation is the time to receive and to listen. Use guided meditations or music. There is no rule to me apart from breathing and being conscious of your breathing. Thoughts will come and go. If they do, focus once more on your breathing.

2 Liters of water a day

Your body will thank you. Remember that our bodies are made of more than 75% water. Drinking water will fuel you up. It will jumpstart your metabolism and it is good for your skin as it keeps it moisturized and also helps in the process of flushing out toxins from your body. Try fruit and herb water for a change, my favorite combos are mint/lemon or mint /cucumber. 

3 breaks a day (minimum)

It is important to take breaks, in order to recharge. It can be short breaks, 5 to 10 minutes but it will just give your brain a break and sometimes unexpected solutions come up during breaks when we are stuck.

4 deep breaths

Inhale from the nose, exhale from the mouth and do it as if you wanted to reach the sky and take a chance to do new or kind things without expectations. I do that a lot because it makes me feel alive. I breathe and it brings me back to the moment, to the present. It is the best way to remain mindful throughout the day.

5 Small Meals filled with fruits and veggies

Fist piece of advice. Don’t skip meals, Have smaller meals. It will help you with cravings. Take time to eat. Make sure to Eat Veggies and fruits. Juice greens, it is a wonderful way to keep your body healthy and alkaline and before eating bless your food.  Not for religious reasons but because of energy. Everything is energy. The food you ingest has a vibration that will affect you at some level, which is why it is always important to bless your food before eating . When animals are killed and raised in really cruel settings that energy can be remanent in the food you eat which is also why it is always best if you are a meat eater to eat free range and organic … I usually don’t eat meat but I do on rare occasions if I need extra grounding. To me, what is key is to follow your body’s intuition and to enjoy your food. Yes, bring back the pleasure when you eat. 

6 Reasons to be grateful at 6 am

So I rise up early … because it is calm and there is no noise and it is the best me time moment for me. I read, meditate and set my intentions for the day. It is very important as it gives the tone for the day. I use this affirmation to invite miracles in my life every day.

” Something wonderful is going to happen today “ 

Gratitude makes you feel happy so I journal in the morning. 6 things I am grateful for every day.  Gratitude is the soil that you plant your future in. It is the gateway to Abundance because it is in giving that we allow receiving and vice-versa. Be grateful for the simple things. Be grateful for the meal you are having, for the smile on this stranger’s face…Be grateful for who you are.

NEVER FORGET THAT Thought plus emotions = ATTRACTION

7 pm Draw a line between Home and Work

Leave work at work, don’t come home with it. While spending time with your kids and partner, don’t be on the phone sending emails or discussing work with coworkers. Be mindful of your personal relationships and if you come from home stressed, give yourself an unwinding window. Usually I take 15 MINUTES after work to talk about things work related and then the ” file is closed”. Boundaries are important.

8 hours of sleep

This sounds cliche but it is important and a rule not only valid for kids. Try to have a dedicated space for sleep and it means that it is not the place where you watch movies or anything like that. Make your room a sanctuary where you rest and make love.

9 minutes of laughter a day

 Laughter is the best medicine. Bring back your inner child. Laugh and play. Have fun. Smile just because you can. 

10 minutes (more is better) of Self-Care 

Take time to do things you actually love is the secret to maintain a perfect balance in your life. It’s okay to think about yourself, to have some leisure time and pamper yourself. No one is asking you to do it every day but start with once a month, once a week. Hug yourself or ask for a hug, Go to a spa, get a massage or just do nothing at all. Take care of your body. Make love.  Get a relaxing bubble bath. Get a manicure or a pedicure. Just take time to moisturize your body with some luscious cream. Go to a beauty shop during lunch break and try new colors, new scents or a new dress. Do what works for you but give yourself some love. So mummies, it also means that after 9 pm the latest, your kids are sleeping and you can unwind. Make sure that you have a proper bedtime routine, to avoid having kids up till 11 or later or waiting for you to sleep.  Take that time to unwind, listen to some music, watch Netflix … Watch re-runs of your favorite shows. Meditate, journal whatever works for you or just do nothing…Take time to fill your cup. Learn to take care of yourself because only then you would be able to take care of your family and your work. You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Enjoy and stay in the moment. That’s the only place where you will find happiness. 

Do let me know your thoughts on this post and tips you use for a happier life. Best way to reach me is on IG @theinnerchilddoula.

Blessings of joy

N’Deye The Inner Child Doula

Author Bio

N’deye Fana Gueye is a story-teller and a blogger and the Author and Illustrator of forthcoming children’s book ”It’s cool to have a smart heart” which provides parents with tools to empower their precious kids and increase their emotional and social literacy. She is also a mentor and holistic therapist known as the Inner Child Doula and helps people reconnecting with their inner child through Inner Child Rebirthing Sessions. She is a Reiki-master and teaches mindfulness. She is a Change Catalyst and a Shadow work Evangelist and the Car Lite Therapy™ is a tool she has created to help people understand the different aspects of their personality and take the driver’s seat. For her, people don’t need to be saved or rescued. People need to acknowledge their own power and to access it. Click here to find more.


  • N'Dèye Fana Gueye

    Mindset & Personal Mastery Coach, Healer and Facilitator

    N'dèye Fana is on a mission to help people, especially women, get out of their own way and show up. She is a multi-hyphenated potential,  she's all about reconnecting women to their inner Queen and it starts by knowing who they are and what they want.  She does that through a blueprint called   Inner Dialogue® and “ The W.A.Y Coaching ™”. W.A.Y. stands for “Who Are You?“. Once you answer that question, you figure out where you stand, why you are there, where you want to go, and how to get there. N'dèye Fana  is also the author of the forthcoming books " Dare Your Way " and  ''Rainbow Eve, “a children’s book series teaching self-love and social & emotional literacy. Before becoming a spiritual teacher and transformational coach, she had a prolific marketing career in leading companies of The Fortune Global 500, and she has worked both client and agency side. She still does marketing and strategy consultancy.