Image: Pixabay
Raising your visibility is one of the best ways to truly take your business to new heights in 2019. Media interviews can expose you to a world full of good opportunities and help you to make a bigger impact in society. If you’ve ever wondered what you need to have in place in order to increase your chances of attracting media interviews, press, publications, and good PR then this one is for you.
Here are 12 Media Essentials to Have in Place to Attract Consistent Media Interviews (Checklist):
1) A Media Page on your Website:
If you already have one be sure to update it at least every 2-3 months.
2) 5-6 High-Resolution Photos.
3) Own at least 2 Media Books:
Buy two books on PR, Media or any book that is related i.e. Journalism, Broadcasting, Video Production or Film Studies.
4) Guest Blogging Content:
Create two or three blog posts (drafts) that are set aside for guest blogging opportunities that may arise in the near future.
5) A Media List:
Write a list of 20 Media Opportunities that you would love to secure in 2019, don’t judge your list, just write down what comes to your mind i.e. Channel 4, The Today Show, Mind Body Green, Thrive Global, Business Insider, Elle Magazine, Cosmopolitan etc. Clarity is key so having this list is a great way to increase your chances of manifesting your medias desires.
6) A List of Media Affirmations:
Make positive media affirmations daily (in the morning and in the evening). Some of the ones that I love saying are ‘I am booked for local, national and international speaking gigs’, ‘TV moments are my portion’, ‘Good media opportunities are coming my way in abundance’.
7) A List of Media Questions:
Write a list of 10-12 questions that you think you will be asked in your next 5 media interviews (easy, in between and tough questions).
9) Hire a Publicist (or a PR and Media Coach).
10) Own at least one Book on Etiquette:
One book that I recommend is ‘Refinement of Manners’ by Melanie Jarrell. Increasing your etiquette is one of the best ways to increase your chances of having a good reputation in the media, the last thing you want is to be called rude, arrogant or difficult to work with. Instead, you the media to see you as polite, warm and enthusiastic (this doesn’t mean that you have to be something that you are not), but rather what it means is you able to demonstrate that you have good manners and good people skills (especially when it matters).
11) A Professional Showreel/Sizzle Reel.
11) Outfits Ready for your Media Interviews:
Get 2-3 outfits ready for potential interviews (buy at least one new outfit) and set it aside ready for your next big moment. Examples include a suit, a dress with court shoes, smart wear and in some cases you can wear casual wear to an interview. The most important thing to bear in mind is this ‘make a good impression’ and don’t be afraid to ask for the dress code (if you are unsure of what to wear for your next 1-2 media interviews).
12) A Media kit or a Press Kit.
Bonus tip: A Strong Media Biography.