His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama once said, ‘Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.’
We live a world where in a push of a button we can see, feel and hear the truth of what is going on globally. At times depending on our sensitivity we can also smell the truth and taste the truth. All of it is overwhelming!
As a global village we are unified by our spiritual molecules along with our beating hearts, and our traveling souls that weave threads of love, hope and compassion.
More than ever it is time for each of us to mindfully take care of ourselves with self love, self compassion and mindfulness so we can take care of our people, our planet and our future.
By honoring ourselves in this manner we are able to use positive conscious change in our lives that is sustainable, effective and joyful. Utilizing this indestructible behavior enables us to continuously make micro changes on a micro level that will effect everyone on a macro level in the most beneficial way.
Plato, one of the most important and unparalleled philosophers to influence the world stated, ‘The first and best victory is to conquer self.’
Conquering Ourselves With The Three Components of Self-Compassion
According to Dr. Kristin D. Neff PhD and Katie A. Dahm, the three components of Self Compassion are Self Kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness.
Self Kindness: What is it?
01. It’s when we invite ourselves to be supportive and understanding toward ourselves.
02. When we encourage our inner dialogue to be gentle and inspirational rather than being harsh and belittling ourselves.
03. Choosing to mitigate and lessen the continual punishment of ourselves for being unable to be good enough.
04. Kindly acknowledging that we’re doing the best we can in all areas of our lives.
05. Allowing ourselves to lovingly embrace the desire to self soothe and nurture ourselves.
Common Humanity: The Helpful Parts & How It Relates To Self Compassion & How You Can Help Yourself.
06. Understanding that everyone fails, makes mistakes, and gets it wrong sometimes. Accept that we are part of the human race on the planet having a human experience.
07. Knowing that we are not alone in our imperfection. Rather, our imperfections are what make us card-carrying members of the human race.
Mindfulness — Using It As A Game Changer To Your Advantage.
08. Experiencing and being open to the reality of the present moment without judgment, avoidance, or repression.
09. Being willing to turn inward and participate in our painful thoughts and emotions in order to embrace ourselves with self compassion.
10. Acknowledging how much pain you are in and where the pain stems from by getting in touch with your own inner self-critic.
11. Ensure that you do not “overidentify’ with your negative thoughts and feelings.
12. Choose Self Love, It’s The First Step To Healing Anything.™
Join the Self Compassion & Self Love Revolution™ so you can work on being the change we want to see in the world without burning out.
As Mahatma Gandhi states. “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
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Originally published at medium.com