We are facing times of critical change. 2020 has been a rollercoaster and while COVID-19 impacted us in ways we could never have imagined, the Black Lives Matter movement has been the ultimate driving force for a monumental and much-needed shift in the way we connect as a global community.
Standing up and speaking out on social issues is often a calculated decision.
Confronted with the reality of systemic racism that exists in our modern society may be uncomfortable for some companies, but the united stand for justice and equality is a long time coming and no less will be accepted.
We are entering a game-changing moment in history and it is the responsibility of each of us – including businesses and brands to drive positive change.
While some businesses are deciding to step out of the conversation surrounding racial injustice, other’s are wading in to vocally align themselves and their brand purpose with #BlackLivesMatter.
Here are 12 ways to support this important movement:
1. Educate yourself and your team on the reality of racism. The way it exists in your community and around the world.
2. Open up discussions in your workplace about racism. Encourage people to share stories and experiences. Create a safe space through frank conversations fueled with compassion and delivered with care.
3. Review your internal policies. Update your Code of Ethics where necessary. If you don’t have this document already, make sure you put one in place and share it with your team.
You can view Outsourced imagination’s CoE by clicking on the image below:

4. Prove your commitment by reviewing your recruitment policies and internal culture. Perhaps it’s time to hire more black people and increase black voices in your organisation.
5. Invite a speaker to talk about the challenges people of colour face. Help others to understand.
6. Review the local community where you operate. What can your company do to support?
7. Share important informative links with fellow colleagues. Create an internal newsletter to raise awareness of equality and social justice. Invite your staff to contribute.
8. If you haven’t signed a petition, start thinking about putting your name down in support of justice, equality and political change. Invite your team members to do the same.
9. If you can, make a donation to a reputable organisation.
10. Review your marketing messages. Is your business purpose-driven in your messages and interactions with customers, staff and stakeholders?
11. Evaluate your brand purpose and purpose-driven marketing strategies. There’s likely to be so much more your business could be doing to contribute to a more conscious world.
12. Start leading as well as joining engaging online conversations that are geared toward solving racially focused problems.

Today, businesses that are willing to use their brand purpose for good and choosing to take diversity and inclusion seriously, are the brands that are likely to stand out.
Companies shouldn’t be afraid to make Black Lives Matter an important part of internal and external conversations and address issues and policies directly. However, the brands that do step up must maintain and sustain promises and intentions to ensure lasting change.
Now, the question is – how will you move forward today?
To find out more about what brands and personal brands are doing to get involved, click here >