Some of us are leaders and some are followers. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, but many of us believe we’re perfectly suited to manage others, in fact, we might be better off letting others take charge.
Wonder if you’re a natural-born leader? Here are 13 signs you were meant to take the reins.
1. You can create and convey a clear vision…
You know what needs to be done and you’re able to clearly relay it to others. An effective business leader is able to build excitement around a business vision and demonstrate to each employee how their individual role contributes to the overall goal.
2. You’re passionate about your goals…
Your goals are not defined by external forces. You set goals that you’re passionate about and that you know will make a difference. Your goals are not wishy-washy, they are clear-cut and attainable. You take the steps you need to achieve your goals, and you aren’t one to plan without following through.
3. You give others the credit they deserve…
While some people find it hard to congratulate, thank, and acknowledge others’ efforts, you never fail to give credit where credit is due. You’re not afraid of someone stealing the spotlight from you, and you’re more than happy to show your appreciation for the positive actions of others.
4. You’re adaptable…
You’re not stuck in your ways; you’re able to adapt and willing to listen to new ideas. You’re open to getting creative and trying out new things in order to achieve the goals of your business, which is important when inevitable twists and turns show up to try and thwart your plans.
5. You’re approachable…
People feel like they can come to you without hesitation. People confide in you and trust your advice and opinions. An approachable leader can be the difference between a strong team and one that lacks cohesion.
6. You have a glass-half-full attitude…
You’re able to take a problem and turn it into an opportunity, whether it’s learning from a mistake, or clearing up a misunderstanding. You prefer to choose optimism over pessimism, and your positive mindset transforms each failure into a learning process.
7. You’re respectful of others…
You’re kind to others and don’t treat different people with different levels of respect. You don’t take people for granted and you don’t let your emotions overcome you, even if you’re having a bad day. You treat others how you want to be treated yourself, which is with loyalty and respect.
8. You care about others…
Your door is always open to your friends when they’re having a bad day and you truly care about helping people with their problems. You take time out of your busy schedule to just be there for anyone who needs you, and you try to help them in any way you can. As a leader, it is important to understand that the people who work for you are real people with real lives and feelings.
9. You’re able to keep calm and carry on…
No matter what a situation may throw at you, you keep your composure and don’t freak out. You have patience with others and are able to keep things under control. You aren’t thrown off when someone yells at you, and you know how to work things out without the situation becoming heated.
10. You tell it like it is…
You value being honest, even if it means someone may get mad at you. People need to hear the right advice, and you want to give it to them. Leaders provide feedback and constructive criticism to their team, and need the strength to do it even when it may hurt someone’s feelings.
11. You demonstrate integrity…
Nothing is more important to you than your personal ethics. You value honesty over profit and you hold yourself and others to high standards. Things can get messy when leaders forget about ethics and instead focus only on money and ego.
12. You’re not afraid to ask for help…
A good leader knows that even though they’re at the top, it’s not shameful to ask for help when they need it. You know asking for help and clarification will help you grow and it doesn’t mean you’re weak. You’re willing to learn new things and take action to always get smarter.
13. Communication is your strong suit…
You can’t be a good leader without proper communication skills. Having good ideas and strategies is important, but you won’t get far without if you can’t verbalize them.
Originally published at