We’re a little more than half-way through the year and, for most people, the resolutions made on January 1st are nothing but a distant memory.
If you’ve fallen into this trap, you’ll be glad to know it’s not too late to get back on track. Although the mid-year comes and goes without much fanfare, it’s a great time to take a step back, evaluate your life, and set some new, exciting goals.
Here are some of the best mid-year resolutions to help you finish out 2018 with a bang.
1. Say Yes to Adventure
Life is about experiences. Get off the couch, step out of your comfort zone, and do something awesome. This is the perfect time to plan an epic road trip, book tickets to a “bucket list” destination, or do something you’ve been thinking about for years.
There are plenty of inexpensive ways to travel, and it’s well worth the effort. I promise you’ll never look back on your life and reminisce about that summer you spent binge-watching Netflix.
2. Stop Recording Everything
You can’t really enjoy your life if you’re constantly watching it through a screen. Next time you go to a concert, put your phone away. Really absorb the sights and sounds instead of worrying about the proper lighting for your live-stream.
When you’re on vacation, spend your exploring the area and talking with locals. The memories you’ll make are far more exciting than taking selfies and posting them on Facebook.
3. Get to Stepping
Fitness resolutions may be totally cliché and overdone, but there’s a reason they’re so popular. Walking more is one of the best resolutions you can make. It isn’t just good for your health, it can also save you a ton of money, help you do your part for the environment, and expose you to a whole world of things you miss while driving in your car.
You’ll avoid road rage, have plenty of time to think, and might even get to know some of the people in your neighborhood. Start choosing walking over driving whenever possible watch how your outlook changes.
4. Take Up a Hobby
Day-to-day life is so much more interesting when you have a passion. Whether it’s photography, winemaking, knitting, or extreme rock climbing, find a hobby you enjoy and start doing it regularly.
You might have to experiment a little before you find something that sticks. That’s okay. You’ll learn new things and might make some new friends along the way. Need some inspiration? Check out this list of “Hobbies for People Who Suck at Hobbies.”
5. Find Your Tribe
Having a support group of friends is important. Unfortunately, as we get older, making friends sometimes becomes more of a challenge. Try inviting a few co-workers out for happy hour, making small talk with strangers at your local watering hole, or asking your current friends to introduce you to some of their friends.
Once you’ve found people you click with, put some effort into nurturing those relationships. If you feel weird about calling somebody with an invitation, try connecting through Facebook or email. This makes it less awkward and can reduce your fear of rejection.
6. Spend Quality Time with Family
It’s easy to let your family fall by the wayside when life starts to get hectic. Make it a point to create a healthy work-life balance and don’t let yourself get so busy that you forget to call your Mom!
If you have kids, take extra care to give them the time and attention they deserve. Pay close attention to the little things and listen carefully while your child rambles. Someday you’ll realize these were actually some of the most important moments of your life.
7. Ditch the Excuses
Stop procrastinating and stop making excuses. This is one of the number one causes of unnecessary stress. Even worse, it gets in the way of achieving your dreams.
Make a list of everything you need to get done and start with just one. Don’t over-analyze it and don’t waste your energy thinking about how hard it’s going to be or why you don’t want to do it. Commit to as little as 15 minutes to get started and see where it goes. Do this every day, and before you know it the list will shrink to a far more manageable size.
8. Make “Me Time” a Priority
Taking good care of yourself isn’t selfish. In fact, it’s absolutely necessary. If you’re constantly putting others first and neglecting “me time”, you’ll burn out and eventually end up feeling angry and bitter.
You need to be alone once in a while so you can clear your mind, listen to your inner dialogue, and reconnect with your feelings. Spending time by yourself gives you a chance to remember who you were before everybody else started telling you who you “needed” to be.
9. Drink Enough Water
Most people are chronically dehydrated. Adding more water to your daily routine can cause a major shift in your overall health. Although it should be easy to down some extra H20, many people find it really challenging.
Splurge on a stylish water bottle that you’ll enjoy carrying with you. You can find some really cute ones at discount stores like Ross, Marshalls, or TJ Maxx. Track your water consumption with a phone app, or simply start by switching out one sugary drink for a glass of water each day.
10. Read More Books
Whether it’s self-help, fantasy, non-fiction, or a great piece of chick-lit, reading books will help you relax and keep your mind sharp. Need some inspiration? Some of my all-time favorites include:
If you need a break from reality, try losing yourself in popular series like The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, or Harry Potter. Better yet, spend your summer catching up on the classics!
11. Start Budgeting
Many people don’t bother budgeting because they think it’s too constraining. The truth is, if you do it right, it’s actually just the opposite. Allocating a portion of your income to entertainment or shopping means you can spend those dollars guilt-free.
Start planning what you’ll do with your money ahead of time, and you’ll find yourself one step closer to financial freedom.
12. Get Rid of a Bad Habit – For Good
Choose one bad habit and commit to getting rid of it for good. Sometimes this will be obvious, like quitting smoking, binge-eating, or procrastinating. Other times, it may require a little more soul-searching.
If you don’t have any clear-cut vices, take a deeper look at your thoughts and actions. Are you a chronic people-pleaser? Does your inner voice constantly bombard you with criticism? Do you always put self-care on the back-burner? These things are bad habits too, and ditching them can change your entire life.
13. Volunteer
Find a cause you believe in and take action to support it. This is an awesome way to bring meaning to your life, support those less fortunate, and meet other like-minded people.
Sites like Volunteer Match, Idealist, and HandsOn Network are excellent sources for finding volunteer opportunities in your area. You can also research charities online to find one that aligns with your values and contact them directly to find out about their current needs.
14. Stop Complaining
Constantly complaining without taking action to change the situation is just insanity. Not only will it not help anything, it also makes you an annoying person to be around. When a negative thought crosses your mind, make it a point to look for the positive side of things. If you can’t find something nice to say, keep your mouth shut.
It might not be easy, and it will probably be scary, but you do have the power to turn your life around. Evaluate your current situation and decide how you’ll take action to change it.
15. Do Something That Scares You
True magic begins just outside of your comfort zone. If there’s something you can’t stop thinking about doing, now is the time to take the leap and make it happen.
Think long and hard about the worst-case scenario, then figure out how to minimize any potential damage. Come up with a plan to meet your scary goal, and start taking steps to make it happen. Only when you face your fears can you know your true potential.
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Originally published at blissquest.net