There is magic all around us – even under our noses. It’s not hard to find; just step outside your door and into nature. If you have yet to find a reason to connect deeply with the natural world, here’s what you have to look forward to:

1. You’ll uncover stunning mathematical beauty

Nature holds the secrets to the universe, if you’re willing to look closely. The magic is always in the details. For instance, seeing a sunflower from a distance is a beautiful experience. Their stalks are quite tall, and their petals are unmistakably bright. Take a closer look, however, and you’ll see two specific patterns that are visible in almost every living plant: spirals and the Fibonacci sequence.

Spirals are everywhere

A sunflower is filled with seeds that form a perfectly spiraled mathematical pattern that looks like something you’d get from a session working with Spirograph. Look closely and you’ll see both clockwise and counterclockwise spirals.

Spirals appear everywhere in nature because plants grow in a spiral. If you look at the trunk and branches of a tree, you’ll notice a slight twist from where they started, all the way to the end. You can see how plants grow in a spiral even better by looking closely at a pine tree; the needles aren’t sticking out of the sides symmetrically, as we often draw in 2 dimensions. The needles twist around the branch in an obvious spiral all the way to the tip.

The golden spiral, as it’s often called, refers to the ratio between successive rotations (spirals) as something grows. That ratio is 1.618. Not every spiral found in nature is golden, though every spiral will appear in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence.

The golden ratio can also be found in our bodies, in places like our hands, feet, arms, and legs. The sections (phalanges) of our fingers and thumbs reflect the golden ratio (1.618).

The Fibonacci sequence is in nature – and in us

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers generated recursively. For example: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc. Each new number is generated by adding the previous two.

Going back to the sunflower, if you count the clockwise and counterclockwise spirals, you’ll find those numbers to be two sequential Fibonacci numbers. The numbers will depend on the size of the flower. Likewise, with pinecones, pineapples, and even trees.

The Fibonacci sequence is also found within our DNA – another spiral with a ratio close to Phi. According to the article linked above, “The DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral. These numbers, 34 and 21, are numbers in the Fibonacci series, and their ratio of 1.6190476 closely approximates Phi, 1.6180339.”

2. You’ll lift the veil of illusion

The illusion is that you’re separate from the world. Truthfully, we’re not just connected, we’re one organism living in the illusion of duality. However, the veil that hides this secret can be lifted, as many have done.

The veil of illusion can only be lifted when you’re connected to nature. In other words, a personality or ego can’t see through the veil. You must be of pure intent and without agenda to see through the veil. Establishing a deep connection with nature is the best way to dissolve your ego.

The sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca, for instance, is known for temporarily dissolving a person’s entire personality structure and lifting the veil for several hours. Ayahuasca ceremonies are at once healing and intense, as the medicine works in waves, purging old psychological traumas and presenting new possibilities in a predictable, alternating cycle for most. Many people have experienced physical healing, too.

Although Ayahuasca is one of the most powerful ways to lift the veil of illusion and reprogram the body and mind, consuming other plants can be equally healing.

For instance, Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a powerful, natural, healing herb. explains, “Mostly grown in the central and southern regions of Thailand as well as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, the leaves of the tree have been used for thousands of years by the ancient peoples of the area.”

Kratom has been proven to enhance mood, improve meditation, increase energy and focus, and improve wellbeing. This is exactly the state of mind that loosens the ego, and allows you to slip into a state of connection with everything around you.

Spend more time with nature

You can tune yourself into the language of nature by spending time near large bodies of water, walking through sand at the beach, and walking through the forest.

Consuming nature and taking plant life into your body will help you connect
deeply with nature. You can do this by harvesting vegetables from your garden,
and eating flowers like calendula and rose petals. You can generate a
connection by being aware of what you’re consuming, even if it’s just a tiny