I know every day may seem like a new challenge filled with so much fear and anxiety. You may feel like you are losing hope. Know that these feelings are normal in these extraordinary times that we are living in.
Here are 2 tips to remember your own self-confidence.
1. Do things for your own genuine joy and happiness.
Help yourself before you help others. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.
What do you need when you wake up in the morning to feel good and energized? How can you set yourself up for success?
This morning, I felt the calling to do some #qigong before I started my day. I woke up feeling stressed. I felt the need to flow my energy to get started before my green juice/celery/cucumber juice for the day. Every day it shifts and the key for me is to listen more to my body.
You can take action by focusing on your own life. You can focus on how good it feels to tick-off and complete tasks.
If you are currently overworked, then it’s time to check in with yourself and focus on what you need to feel good again. It can be as tiny as a walk to clear your head and connect with nature or it can be something bigger such as finding your courage to voice your challenges to your manager.
2. Let go and trust that you know what to do.
As things get busy, it can be tempting to do everything yourself as you know how to get everything done in a way that works.
Have you stopped to think about how much pressure you are putting on yourself?
Do you feel like you are the only one that can do your work? Does that weigh you down?
Are you getting more and more work? Are you feeling unsure of what to do?
Are you constantly the person who fixes everything?
What if you just gently let it all go?
Focus on the things that you can control. Let go of the things that you can’t control.
You can only control your own performance, you can’t control your colleague’s performance.
What if you…
Let go of a project that you can’t entirely focus on to create more space in your work day?
To create space for a colleague to step up and learn new skills.
Let go of the worry that your project will fail if you don’t control it?
To create space for greater project collaboration and new ideas.
Let go of the fear of not being enough if you don’t do everything?
To remember that you enough without having to do everything to prove your worth.
Let go of the guilt and shame of feeling overworked?
To remember that you are human and that you are doing the best you can in a pandemic.
Doing the internal hard work is not always easy. In the heat of the moment, you may feel like you want to give up. Trust that everything is working out for you even when it feels like you are in chaos.
Keep reinforcing your limits and be aware of what comes up for you. Even when you’re scared and it feels uncomfortable, remember that you have the opportunity to shift your patterns and habits to serve you.
This article was originally posted on Medium.