law of attraction exercise

Law of attraction exercises

The law of attraction has a remarkable impact on our lives, and only a few people are aware of its effects on daily life. The value of the law of attraction has been seen throughout history. Our subconscious mind is one of the essential tools to perform better in life. The term unconscious mind is associated with attractions. We are going to tell you about some subconscious mind exercises below.

  1. Be Grateful
  2. Use the Focus Wheel
  3. Dream Board
  4. Visualising Goals
  5. Intention Setting
  6. Affirmations
  7. Give the Universe Own Task List
  8. Write a “Future You” Journal
  9. List of 100 Things
  10. Discovering the Hidden Positives
  11. Find out What You Want
  12. Intention Point
  13. Make a Wish List
  14. Get Rid of Negativity
  15. Surround Yourself with People Who Think the Same Way
  16. Do A Random Act of Kindness
  17. Read More
  18.  Meditate
  19. Venture Out of Your Comfort Zone
  20. Practise Free Writing

1.Be Grateful

Be grateful you should be satisfied with your life and be very thankful for the great things that you have already. Before going to bed, think about all the good things that happen in your life. You should be thankful for your families and friends who love you. It will give more attraction and more love in your life.

  • Example

Be grateful to people for loving relationships. Be thankful for the family and friends who love you. It will attract more love for you in the form of a soul mate. 

2.Use the Focus Wheel

You can alter your belief and behavior with the use of a focus wheel that can aid the acquisition of momentum of gratitude. It will give more attraction in your life.

  • Example

Think about an aspect of your life from whom you loved and produce some sentences which can describe your situation. Like I love my supportive brother who has complete confidence in my capabilities.

3.Dream Board

You can create a dream board by cutting out the pictures and words that can represent your goals of life. For example, if you are trying to attract a soul mate, then you can put photos of a couple. It would be best if you focused on your lifestyle.

  • Example

If you want to attract your soul mate, then it will be better for you to put some pictures of a happy couple and house where you lived. Don’t mention the physical characteristics like hair and color.

4.Visualising Goals

It is an essential law of attraction technique as this is the complete process by which you can build up an image of your life dream in mind. It will increase your belief about this dream. Visualization of goals will help you the things you want in life. You should give only 15 minutes to visualize your goals that can make a difference in your life.

  • Example

Just imagine going on a holiday with your soul mate? What will you do? Where do you stay? What are the places to visit?

5.Intention Setting

It is the easy way to know your creative ability works to observe the things happen according to your intentions. You can change your lifestyle with new possibilities with the help of the power of your plans.

  • Example

Just write on papers by setting up your daily plans. You can make a few things daily, and whenever you find some opportunity, then you can make some necessary actions.


You can choose some positive affirmations and repeat them every day. The key to making affirmations is to find a concise and accurate way to express your belief in the future.

  • Example
  • “Love is coming my way.”
  • “I’m in a happy relationship”.

7.Give the Universe Own Task List

You can give your universal tasks. The following example will provide better help to understand the law of attraction concepts.

  • Example

Instead of driving yourself for the job, let the Universe handle the tasks, Make your task list on your computer or notebook and star mentally calling in the Universal task list, and the name stuck with you.

8.Write a “Future You” Journal

Do you need any fun? If so, then you can start a “Future You Journal “today.

  • Example

You can write a journal that can describe your future.

  • What is your future?
  • What your future You Like?

9.List of 100 Things

You can list 100 different things

  • Example

Think positively. Don’t think negatively. Positive thinking will bring a good result for you to reprogram a conscious mind.

10.Discovering the Hidden Positives

This is the best exercise to use when we want to find out what is going on behind the scenes of our negative experiences. There will be something positive beyond them. We should need to discover what it is. We see our higher self in current circumstances.

11.Find out What You Want

If you don’t know what you want, then you cannot reach your goals.

  • Example

You should know this fact that your subconscious mind follows a program. It will work for you only when you have an idea to do as it cannot think it. So as long as if you don’t tell clearly what to do, what are our goals, and what you want to achieve, it will not do anything without your instructions.

12.Intention Point

It is the fact that the intended point is a meeting ground between mind and heart. When you can activate your intention.

Point the manifest with full energy to get a faster and easier result.

13.Make a Wish List

It will help you be specific about what you want. It has been seen that we cannot get anything. There are many reasons for this, as we are not clear about it.


Make a list of your qualities that you want your partner to have and what will be very important for you in this relationship.

14.Get Rid of Negativity

You should search those people who have the same goals and who believe the power of the law of attraction. You will exchange support with each other.

You should not think about negative feelings, so cut out all negative people that are a hurdle in progress.

  • Example

If you have a friend who does not believe in life and always complaining about their luck, so you should not give him time to spend as he is negative minded.

15.Surround Yourself with People Who Think the Same Way

You should search those people who have the same goals and who believe the power of the law of attraction. You will exchange support with each other.


You can spend the time with those people who have given up on love

Spend with those people who are in a relationship and do not need any more partners.

16.Do A Random Act of Kindness

If you want to spread positivity, then do random acts of kindness. You should be committed to doing at least one a day.


Put some coins in the parking meter. Give a compliment. Let the people jump the queue at the bank. Hold the door open for people.

17.Read More

You should read a book that will help you to focus on your goal, and you will be motivated. You should read books on the law of attraction so that you may be able to discover the new method to attract what you want.


Read romance novel that will give the image to build the relationship.

Read the law of attraction book to get knowledge on how to manifest love.


Your regular mindfulness practice will help to reach peace in your life.


Sit down in a comfortable position and then close your eyes to focus the breath. Keep mind from wandering. Start 5 minutes of meditation a day.

19.Venture Out of Your Comfort Zone

If you are serious about subconscious mind exercise to achieve what you want in your life, then you must be willing to venture out some comfort zone if you will be able to get some comfort zone, that will be a powerful exercise to boost your brainpower. Many studies have proven that travel to those places you have never before been always good for you. It will help to create new neural pathways in your mind. You will be able to do new things it is best ay of Subconscious mind exercise.

  • Example

When you visit a new place, then it will be better for you to refresh yourself so well with your family. It will give you an opportunity to re subconscious programmed mind.

20.Practise Free Writing

One of the exciting reprogramming mind exercises is freewriting, as it is like brainstorming. It is a process to write down your thoughts on paper. This exercise often used by some writers and authors. If you are free, you can write your problem that will allow clearing your mind. This practice should be regularly, and it will make you relax.

  • Example

Write down some daily problems you face in your life, and it will give time to get the best solution to solve these problems.
