20 ways to stay connected during social isolation

Stay Connected In A Disconnected World

I hope you’re doing well in this confusing and strange time where we’re told to distance ourselves from other humans.

Humans are built to seek connection. We’re happy and thriving when we feel connected – to ourselves, to others, and to the world.

Social isolation can quickly disconnect us with the world if we’re not careful.

Why It’s Important to Stay Connected

As humans, we like the feeling of belonging and support from other humans.

But connection doesn’t only exist between humans.

Feeling connected to our environment, all life forms and energies around us make us feel good, give our life meaning, and replenish and enrich our lives for the better.

On the flip side, feeling alone or disconnected is stressful to the nervous and immune system that can make us more vulnerable to illnesses.

At a time where viruses and illnesses rampant, we can do our part to take care of our nervous and immune system by staying connected.

20 Ways to Stay Connected During This Strange Climate:

  1. Read those books that you’ve been putting off and connect with your mind 
  2. Start a journaling practice and connect with your mind and heart
  3. Put on some music and have a dance party (with others or solo) and connect with your body and spirit (yes, get the kids involved in this one!)
  4. Go for a hike or walk and connect with nature
  5. De-clutter, re-organize, and clean your home to connect with your belongings
  6. Cook and prepare nourishing meals to connect with the power of food
  7. Draw, paint, write, design, craft to connect with your creative energy
  8. Garden or nurture indoor plants and herbs to connect with the earth
  9. Spend quality time with animals in your life to connect with kind spirits
  10. Listen to music, sing, or practice an instrument to connect with your heart
  11. Write letters or cards to people you care about to connect with loved ones
  12. Set up or join virtual groups to connect with your community
  13. Support a local business, or someone in need to connect with your humanity
  14. Meditate daily to connect with the present moment and your higher self
  15. Work on your goals for 2020 to connect with your dream
  16. Define or review your life vision statement to connect with your purpose
  17. Watch documentaries to connect with a different perspective
  18. Watch standup comedies to connect with humor
  19. Hold yoga poses, lift weights, do push-ups, planks, and sit-ups to connect with your strength
  20. Listen to someone else talk without planning your response to connect with your empathy

Let me know which is your favorite!

Take care of yourself. Take care of others. Stay connected.