It was my career aspiration to contribute to society.
职能治疗的原理建立于整体人性概念, 主要目标是协助他人享有与过着独立自力的健康生活。
The principle of Occupational Therapy is built on the premise of holistic human development, with the focus on helping and supporting others to lead independent and healthy lives.
多么高尚的职业抱负啊, 但理想与现实还是有距离的。
What a lofty career ambition! But the reality fell short.
当时为了减轻父母的负担,我申请并成功获得助学金, 过后开始在社区非盈利团体就职。
During my second year of the Diploma course, I applied for a sponsorship, so as to relieve my parents’ of financial burden. I successfully received that sponsorship and started a career as an Occupational Therapist in a non-profit organization.
In that three years, I witnessed the hardships of elderly and disabled population. I tried to do what I could, to help them to overcome challenges faced.
当时的我还没学会正确排解工作压力, 往往会因为碰到的人和事, 觉得心力交瘁, 甚至沮丧。
At that time, I was not able to cope with the stressors at work and often felt drained, sometimes to the point of depressed.
对外界的人来说,这是一份"伟大"的职业。但对我而言, “伟大” 莫过于是假象, 其中造成的生理心理上的负担, 才是真正的现实体现。
To others, this was a “noble” vocation. Many people I met often told me how “brave” I was for taking this up.
I learnt that I am not a “hero”.
Human nature is dualistic, it can be strong one moment and weak the next. For every Yin, there will be the Yang. Birth, ageing, sickness and death is the unavoidable cycle of life.
庆幸的是,那些年的体验让我对人性还是保有乐观的态度, 因为我见识到人的韧性耐力,那分力量可以克服很多难事。因为处在非盈利团体的环境,资源有限,我也从中学会了采用创艺的思考已及方法应对问题,并且培养谦虚,独立,凡事亲力亲为的工作态度。
The fortunate thing is that, I retained an overall positive outlook in life, because I have witnessed the strengths of our human will. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Because of working in an environment where resources were not always readily available, I learnt to be creative in my thinking and actions, and I have also cultivated humility and independence.
上了一堂极其宝贵难得的课, 永生难忘。
I attended a memorable and unique lesson, because of which, I am able to add value and depth into my life.