January, 2022: What Impact Do You Wish to Have?
You don’t have to be on your deathbed to consider your legacy — the impact you wish to have on everyone who is touched by your work. With today’s rate of change, three years from now is long-term planning!

In just one word or a short phrase: What’s the impact you wish to have on people three years from now? Write that down. In a moment, you’ll be combining your word/phrase with Step 2.

2019 In Just Three Words
Now simplify your 2019 down to just three words. If that’s not easy for you, I’d suggest going here or here or or here — three sources with lots of aspirational words to get you started.
(This idea is inspired by super-smart superhero Chris Brogan. Here are his three words for 2018, how he got there, and he explains the depth of meaning behind each word.)

Once you’ve selected your three words, that is your super-simplified definition of success for 2019.
For example, mine for 2019 are Thrive. Grit. Reimagine. …Thrive because I went through some severe difficulties in 2018, and I realized, on some things, I was just surviving. This year my goal is to Thrive. …Grit for what it’s going to take to Thrive …Reimagine is for completely rethinking how I do many things. (Similar to last year, but updated.)
Now, Take the Ultimate Path for Working Smarter
The ultimate path is when you tie together your longer-term impact goals (2022 legacy) with your simplified 2019, and then check how you’re doing on those every month.

Simplifying your path to working smarter is not about the latest app or newest shiny object. It’s about you deeply understanding who you are, the impact you wish to have on the world, reducing all that to just a few key words as aspirations and goals.

And, one of the disciplines it’s going to take to get there: Moving from FOMO (fear of missing out) to JOMO (the joy of missing out). Put down the phone more. Unplug from the latest app. Take someone out for coffee, or just give them a hug, and be present. Truly present. Being present is the present you give yourself and others in the present, for the future.
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Bill’s upcoming book, The Day Tomorrow Said No, is a powerful fable about the future of work. A fable specifically designed to revolutionize conversations about the future between leaders, the workforce, educators, and students. Go here to download a FREE copy of the final pre-press draft of the book.