Eight career tips for career starters
A successful career begins with proper preparation. This includes, for example, understanding what exactly you want to achieve as a career starter, what skills and qualities you need for it and what you have to do to get where you want to go. Read our tips for a successful start here:
Set clear goals
The very first step is goal determination: What exactly does “career” mean for you? Is this associated with a certain amount of money? Do you want to reach a particular position?
Only when you have a clear idea of what it means for you to “make a career” can you also work towards this purpose. Many people do not take the time to become aware of their own career goals consciously and systematically. Do it! Write down for yourself what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. Imagine what it will be like when you reach your destination. Work out a very concrete and detailed plan of action to get you where you want to go. Take your career goal actively in hand.
Become aware of what your career may cost
If you know what you want to achieve, you should also consider what you are willing to pay for it. Many people’s careers are at the cost of their relationship with their life partner, or they neglect their health, free time, and other things that make up their quality of life. But if you want to stay fit, you need to make sure you’re fine – physically, mentally and mentally. So you should be clear in advance about what you may and may not cost your career. Only then can you make appropriate decisions in your professional life. Sometimes a career leap is not worth it if you have to give too much of what is important to you.
Take your time to self-reflection
Time and time again to pause and think
- what you do exactly
- how useful that is,
- whether it brings you to where you want to go and
- maybe that will be easier too.
Especially when you are very eager to achieve a goal, in many cases takes over a kind of inner “autopilot” and controls our behavior. Such automatic ways of thinking and behaving should be discovered and questioned as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can easily find a way that does not take you where you want to go.
See your career project as a business
If you want to make a career, start today to see yourself and your career aspirations as a real business project. Act as if you had found a company whose aim is to get you into the position you want to come to. As of today, be your supervisor and your co-worker at the same time. Learn to see yourself and treat yourself as a good leader would. Be self-critical, but not overcritical. Always be careful to develop and learn yourself. Operate on your behalf your marketing, PUBLIC “relations, networking, innovation management, human resources and everything else a company does
Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses
If you want to be successful, you need to know a lot about yourself and your performance. The better you know your skills and knowledge, but also your weaknesses and gaps, the more targeted you can work on yourself. Do so – and at regular intervals again and again – a strength and weakness analysis of your professional and personal skills. You should also ask other people for their opinion – good friends, family members and acquaintances. Listen carefully and do not feel hurt by criticism – you can only learn.
Continue your education, even across disciplines and in person
After finding out what strengths and weaknesses you have, you can do something specifically to build skills and improve vulnerabilities. Invest in your knowledge and skills. Read books, listen to cassette programs, attend classes and workshops. Educate yourself professionally and personally. Always be curious about other subjects and acquire useful specialized knowledge. To increase your value as an employee.
Magic technique coaching
Start today to coach yourself to excellence and success. For this, you should learn to see yourself as your most important employee, whom you must nurture and nurture, but also promote and demand. Also, consider the possibilities of being coached by a professional coach. This is not only in sports. You do not have to do everything on your own and it is not always possible to see all the sticking points in yourself. A good coach will gently but consistently point out your blind spots and work with you.
Do not sell yourself under value
Get your “market value” inexperience. The usual salary levels in trade journals or conversations with other people in your industry help you. Be aware of what you are worth with your accomplishments and commitment and demand that. You owe this to yourself and your self-confidence.
Six personal career tips
If you want to make a career, you also need a good self-management and you must not forget to take good care of yourself. Please read our career tips:
Organize your work as effectively as possible
To make a successful career, you should be able to organize yourself and your work as effectively and well as possible. This includes systematic time management, well-planned task organization and effective self-management. Define specific work objectives and check whether you achieve them through your measures and work steps. Also, try to simplify as many levels as possible. Avoid unnecessary handling. Delegate messages to others to get more time for the basics. Seek help if you are stuck with something alone. And look for successful people who manage their work.
Be good with yourself
Care for yourself is always good for all your career aspirations. No matter how steep a climb, it will not do you any good if you are harming yourself physically or mentally.
- Take enough breaks every day and relax consciously. You need to refuel your batteries over and over again, so as not to run out of water at some point.
- Make sure you get enough balance and movement.
- Eat well and healthy.
- Find a hobby to relax with.
- Maintain private contacts, friendships and especially your partnership.
See difficulties as challenges and problems as opportunities
How do you deal with problems and challenges? Are you quickly discouraged and frustrated? Do you give up immediately or do you feel awful? Then you should work on your attitude. Difficulties and problems are situations in which you can learn and develop something. If you can see it that way and live it for yourself, you’ll be much better off on your career path; you’ll have strength and energy, and keep going when others give up.
Get a different ratio to errors
You have probably also experienced that many people rate errors as something negative. At school, you get bad grades for that, or you get scolded for doing something wrong. These settings should let you go from today on; With this attitude toward mistakes, we inhibit ourselves from bravely trying things out. Only if you accept to make mistakes, you dare to do something. Errors are essential and indispensable in a learning or development process. Mistakes give you the chance to learn something. When you realize that you’ve done something wrong, ask yourself what exactly you did, what you do differently, and what you can learn from it. To make fewer mistakes, you need experience. And how do you get experience? By making mistakes and learning from them.
Do not take everything so seriously
Career goals are a severe thing to many people. It’s about money, success and future. Nevertheless, you should not be bitten by all this. Always try not to see everything so closely or take it too seriously. Keep a healthy sense of humor in all career aspirations. Also, laugh at yourself. People who radiate a natural laxity and serenity, look at others much more attractive and successful than someone who wants to be successful with severe dead expression at any price. See your career as part of your life, nothing more, nothing less. However necessary it may be for you to have career success, you should never forget that there are many other things in life as well.
Let go
As a last tip, we recommend that you also let go of your career goal. If we want something too much, sometimes it seems to flee from us. Therefore, develop a certain serenity and confidence in your destiny. Actively managing your career and taking the most jobs into account will make you successful. So, trust and just let go.
Eight career tips for dealing with others
Careers do not leave you in a vacuum. There are always some other people who need to be aware of you, who can support you or make your life difficult. Here are some tips for dealing with other people related to your career.
Get to know your boss and take him as he is
Your boss is a supervisor and as long as you want to stay in this business, you can not get around him or her. Your supervisor – or your supervisor – will have a significant say in your career path in this company. Therefore, you should intensively deal with your boss. Get to know him and his moods. Find out what’s important to her and what’s important to her. If you are dealing with a very unpleasant boss, it does not make much sense to get annoyed with your boss over and over again. Instead, learn to get along well with him.
Become the most important service provider for your boss
To become a service provider to your boss does not mean that you mutate into a kind of serfs, or that you should congratulate yourself. Rather, it’s about recognizing what your boss needs most and then delivering it to you. Consider yourself and your job as a small business and your boss as your target audience. So you make yourself indispensable. Ask yourself, for example:
- What does my boss need that I can offer him?
- Which core need of my boss can I satisfy?
Always give a little more than you need, but not too much
Ever do a little bit more than you have to. This does not mean that you only have to live for your work but is intended to show your supervisor that you are unique.
- Always come a little earlier or work a little longer than expected.
- Also take on a task that is not actually in your area of responsibility, but which must urgently be done by someone.
- Always do your job a bit better than expected.
Develop your social skills
Social skills are important in most professions and they become more meaningful the higher you go up the career ladder. If your professional skills have been sufficient so far, requirements as a leader come to you at higher career levels. Social skills include:
- Communication skills,
- Conflict management,
- Management techniques,
- to be able to motivate oneself and others
- Empathy (empathy) among others
They can attend seminars or workshops, work on “Emotional Intelligence” books and get feedback from friends and acquaintances.
Do networking
Networking is a key to a successful career, even if you are employed. Get to know as many people as possible from different areas. Exchange ideas, make contacts. Do that both in your company and outside. Keep your eyes and ears open. Are you interested in what other people are doing and are interested in asking? You can learn so much and possibly get to know exactly the person that will take you one step further into your career goal.
Practice in small talk
Skillfully making small talk is almost an art. Some people can talk to anyone about anything. They are never embarrassed about a topic and can speak to different people at every opportunity. Of course, such people get to know many people and often leave a friendly and open impression. Practice it in case you find this problematic. A good tip: Ask people to meet you for things they are interested in. This is something that almost all people like to talk about. Even if you have no idea, you can listen with interest and ask comprehension questions. So you operate “meaningful” Smalltalk because you learn something new at the same time.
Do personal marketing
There is an old career rule that still exists today: “Do good and talk about it.” If you want to go up the career ladder, then you have to perform well. But good services alone are often not enough. You must also sell these services to the outside world. The idea is to do some personal marketing. So make sure your supervisors and other key people know what you’ve done well and what you do to bring benefits to your business. Of course, you have to be careful that you do not become a tailor or showman. It is more about tact and inventiveness to put yourself and your achievements in the limelight.
Always pay attention to your colleagues
What your colleagues think about your career and how they respond to it will vary from industry to industry and from company to company. You should be careful that you are perceived as overly ambitious and ambitious and may, therefore, be reluctant. Of course, you should not tie your career goal to others. Find a good relationship with your employees, but do not let them dictate your behavior. Here is a lot of tact and social skills needed.