Most people dread going on stage and being in the spotlight. However, public speaking can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating experiences in your life. Our 24 experts are hustlers, thought-leaders and professional speakers who have been invited to speak to audiences around the world and in this infographic (pdf) they share their best tips and mindset on how you can become a better public speaker.

1) Kit Pang | Founder of BostonSpeaks | @KitPangx

“Don’t be afraid to be yourself. People will love you not because you have the perfect memorized speech, correct hand gestures or the most mind-blowing ‘Aha!’ moment, people will love you because they’ll get a chance to experience who you are.”

2) Catherine Storing | Author, TEDx Speaker, Minister | @CatStoring

“The best advice I can give you is what worked for me, if you want to be a great public speaker you have to start where you are. There’s no way around it. They say that practice makes perfect but I say practice makes you less nervous and more comfortable when on stage.”

3) James Lopata | Executive Leadership Coach | @JamesLopata

“You DON’T become a great public speaker by sitting in your office thinking about speaking. You become a great public speaker by actually speaking. Speak everywhere, as often as you can. Speak. Speak. Speak. That’s how you become a great public speaker.”

4) Jess Lively | Founder, The Lively Show | @JessCLively

“I’ve been working on letting my deeper intuition speak. I’m allowing what is deep within me to come out in a clear, pure way. And that has become a more powerful way to connect and communicate than I previously could accomplish through effort and preparation how it is traditionally thought about.”

5) Michael Toothman | Executive Director, ProjectDriven | @MPToothman

“Begin with the end in mind. Before committing your first word to paper, consider how you want your audience to feel, to think, to act at the conclusion of your speech. Write your speech to support this end goal and ensure your call to action is aligned to your desired response.”

6) Teresa Zumwald | Award Winning Speech Writer, Speech Coach, Founder of Zumwald & Company | @teresaz1


-ANALYZE your audience — find ways to connect! — so you can change how they think or behave.
-Identify your INTENTIONS. What outcomes would you like to see?
-Commit to a solitary MESSAGE.”

7) Anna Tsui | Life & Business Coach | @MsAnnaTsui

“A great public speaker is someone who can transform an audience so that they see the world differently from when they arrived. In order to be an effective speaker, one has to fully integrate the art of storytelling and connect it to presence.”

8) Karen Astin | Speech Pathologist and Founder of AstiNova | @AstiNovaSLP

“You need to really figure out the brand or message you want to send. What will your platform be and who will you be sharing it with? Once you have the theme or message that you want to share — START! Everyone needs to start somewhere, but the key is starting. Start sharing this everywhere you can.”

9) Shaun Moore | CEO of GetChui | @shaunpmoore

“To perfect public speaking, you need to have the perfect balance of preparation, flow and story telling. Flow comes from knowing the ins and outs of the topic and being fluid with your grasp of the concept. Visually mapping the arc of the presentation in your head will allow you to follow the story you crafted while keeping the audience engaged and captivated.”

10) Linda Ugelow | Mindset Mentor & Visibility Coach | @LindaUgelow

“Have a structure that makes it easy to remember and follow along. Learn to tell good stories and include them in your talks. Connect with your audience visually by being fully present and releasing fears. Keep learning- read books, take an Improv class, work with a coach.”

11) Amanda Healy | Speaker and Marketing Leader | @Amanda_Healy

“I’m a firm believer in the concept of “mirroring”, meaning whatever you are putting out to your audience is what you will receive in turn. If I’m energetic, engaged, and enthusiastic, I can see the same sentiment reflected back at me by those sitting in the crowd. I term this “poise”, because it’s the perception you are controlling as you deliver your speech.”

12) Colleen Bradley | Creative Communication Strategist | @VidProducerGal

“Get involved with programs where you can get experience and get feedback on your speaking. Then practice, practice, practice when you’re getting ready to speak. When it is time to speak remember, everyone wants to see you succeed — so have fun!”

13) Amanda Fakhreddine | Editor, Speaker, Fitness | @afakhreddine

“First, take a leap of faith and take a public speaking opportunity, believe that you can do it and then actually do it. Next? Practice your delivery and practice reading your audience, understanding your audiences needs and listening to them as well. Realize that it’s not about you at all — it’s about your audience and how they understand, feel and react.”

14) Bobbie Carlton | Founder, Carlton PR & Marketing | @BobbieC

“Great speakers are made, not born. And good speakers become better speakers with preparation and practice.
1) Know your topic.
2) Prepare appropriately for your speaking engagements but don’t over-prepare. No one likes listening to a robot.
3) Make it all about the audience.”

15) Tami Reiss | Founder, Just Not Sorry | @tamireiss

“My first response is practice, nothing is more important. Best advice I ever received was to slow down and pause more, it’s the first time the audience is hearing/seeing what you’re talking about and giving them time to digest it is very important.”

16) Mukul Jain | Founder, Momentum Ventures

“Connecting with the audience through personal stories is my strength and they pay attention. Connection closes the gap between the speaker and the audience, makes the speaker approachable and it is easier to win over the audience.”

17) Dawn Dickson | Serial Entrepreneur | @THEDawnDickson

“You become a great public speaker by connecting with your audience in a voice that they best understand and by being someone they can relate to. Do research on the demographic of each audience that you plan to speak to and get an understanding of their needs/pain points and how you can help ease them.”

18) Anfernee Chansamooth | Marketing & Small Business Consultant | @anferneec

“Great public speakers cover these 3 key areas:
Credibility — Speak with conviction and from experience.
Message — Ask “what’s in it for the audience?”
Delivery — Say it in a way that’s real and engaging.”

19) Kim Jackson | Sr. Director, Brand Merchandising, ALEX AND ANI

“I asked my connections for their help and support. Then I practice, practice practice!”

20) Carolyn Muise | VP Total Customer Experience, EMC | @camuise4s

“I’m a firm believer in the concept of “mirroring”, meaning whatever you are putting out to your audience is what you will receive in turn. If I’m energetic, engaged, and enthusiastic, I can see the same sentiment reflected back at me by those sitting in the crowd. I term this “poise”, because it’s the perception you are controlling as you deliver your speech.”

21) Dina Creiger | Founder, Choose To Be Nice | @ChooseToBeNice

“I would say being oneself, being genuine and understanding who one’s audience is are critically important. Pretty much my prescription for just about everything!”

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22) Ali Mirza | Founder, iSocialYou | @AliMirza2k

“Go to your event early and meet some of your audience. Shake hands and get to know them. This will help you make some “friends” before your talk. Then during your talk, ask questions to engage the audience. Now you will feel like talking to a bunch of friends and having a regular conversation.”

23) Andrea Imafidon | Image & Brand Consultant | @BrownGirlBoston

“You must take the time to research your talking points, know your audience, tell a great story and use a sense of humor to break the ice. Speaking is all about having fun, telling your story, and giving permission to others to do the same thing.”

24) Caytha Jentis | Award Winning Writer, Director & Producer | @caytha

“Be honest, authentic, fearless, funny, know your audience and stay on point.”

This infographic was first posted on Learn more about how you can take your communication skills to the next level!

Originally published at