We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to being successful business. I’m about to get real specific about this! I’m talking about our own assumptions of clients wanting to work with us!
When we are in the early stages of attracting clients, we have this ridiculous but very common approach of mentally starting off ‘on the back foot’. We imagine having to convince people to work with us!
We ask ourselves — Why would they want to work with me? What makes me so special compared to all the other coaches out there? What will they get from me that they won’t get from anyone else?
Whilst these questions are incredibly important to ask, they also produce some pretty horrific fears in our minds!
Here are three things you need to stop ‘expecting’ RIGHT NOW!
- Stop expecting to attract clients who aren’t ready for change! If you have to convince people that making the change will be good for them, they are NOT your ideal client. Start expecting to speak to potential clients who are ready to make the leap, they’ve made the decision that it’s time for change and they have the want to make it happen.
- Stop expecting to attract clients who are unwilling to pay what you are worth! What people can afford is none of your business; your worth is your worth. The bigger the investment, the bigger the transformation. People will find the money for what they value in life. Re-frame ‘I can’t afford it’ to ‘I can’t see the value in what you’re offering me’, this will provide a whole new perspective.
- Stop expecting to attract clients that don’t see the value in what you are offering! As a side note, make sure you see the value in what you are offering. If you’re doubting the value you will provide to your client, you can’t expect them to have 100% confidence in your abilities. If you believe 100% in your services, then why are you expecting to attract clients who doubt you? You know it will help them, so don’t shrink back, be bold and shout it from the roof tops. Be confident in your abilities and they too will have confidence in you.
Educate your audience by facing objections head on, stand your ground and let them know your thoughts on the ‘I can’t afford it’ and the ‘I’m not ready’. If they can’t afford it, save up! If they’re not ready, then when will they be? And quite a lot of the time it’s a case of saying ‘NEXT!’. Welcome the no’s, because every single no is a sign that you are getting your ‘stuff’ out there and it’s one step closer to a yes! Colonel Sanders of KFC received 1009 no’s before he received his first YES!
There are clients out there who are waiting for you. No one else, they are waiting for you. They are ready and willing to invest and they are ready for change like yesterday!
Thoughts become things! So let’s start expecting your ideal client, not the person you have to convince.
One more thought… make sure you’re leading by example. If you’re scared or unwilling to invest in coaching, if you’re uncommitted to the result, if you are doubting your abilities or telling yourself you can’t afford it, then you know the rule… like attracts like, you’ll only end up attracting these kind of clients.
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Jennifer Hall is on a mission to help women step outside their comfort zones to create successful online coaching businesses that make real money and impact the world.
Originally published at medium.com