As an entrepreneur, I have learned a thing or two in the last 30 years…experience and the mistakes we make create a positive momentum. I have often found myself taking a step back to reflect on the past and then looking forward through a new lens with a passion for learning something new. As a business coach, I am beginning to reconnect with clients and prospects as we look towards the future. Before we know it, the fall season will be upon us and we will have created new opportunities and strengthened revenue streams. Ready for a new perspective on the road ahead.
After spending quality time with other business owners, I’ve begun to compare notes on what we consider to be elements for success.
We are turning over a new leaf!
It is not that any of these things are new, in fact, most of us have had a regular commitment to practise or live by these standards in the months and years before COVID. It is the combination of the words that carry weight and are now noteworthy.
We came up with the following list combining both attitude and skill.
We feel these 3 key components will become guiding principles in the foreseeable future.
It starts with a commitment to be prepared, taking a new stance and reviewing what we did before and how when turning over a new leaf things things will become easier, stronger and more effective. Not reinventing the wheel, but, reviewing things from a different angle, taking a look at… the flip side!
We have worked through spring and will continue throughout the summer to prepare for the fall and we share a commitment to reevaluate in the winter.
The sales cycle will most likely become longer, our marketing plans need to be sharper and we will have to have the mental attitude to be prepared for the unexpected.
Is it time to turn over a new leaf?
Here are the words that rose to the top of each list:
1) Positive Attitude
Everyone knows that it takes a positive attitude to encourage
positive change. We all agree, no one was prepared for the
pandemic but we now have a contingency plan for the future.
A positive, proactive approach will at the very least introduce
resources that will support sound judgement in the future.
The skills: flexibility, problem solving and creativity.
2) Gratitude
If you do a quick analysis on the last 16 weeks, we noted that
our individual groups or communities came together with
innovative ways to connect. Sharing collaborative ideas to
assist anyone and everyone who reached out asking for help.
We pulled together with morale support, regular check-ins and
brainstorm sessions to encourage dialogue and start new
conversations. In fact, the results assisted with launching new
products and services to meet the ever changing needs and
conditions in our communities. We have a new respect for
creating revenue streams on-line.
The skills: empathy, emotional self-awareness and social
3) Take Action
It became very obvious when the folks in our networks
decided to become either reactive or proactive. The take
action approach reinforced the opportunities and continued to
fuel the energy required to pivot and accept the challenge.
The skills: emotional expression, assertiveness, and
The ongoing foundation will be communication, building relationships that offer support and encouragement through coaching and mentorship.
We’ve all had our moments of self doubt and uncertainty, but, with these guiding principles we feel a sense of hope by exploring the opportunities on the flip side.
It is time to turn over a new leaf!
Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach, Certifed in EQ – Emotional Intelligence, Author, Mentor and Speaker. She is the founder and guest blog host for a portal in support of the entrepreneurial spirit and sharing great ideas. Join us and share your story!