Let’s face it, we are no longer the same people that we were when we headed into 2020. We’ve changed.

Our customers are no different.

Post-Covid, our customer’s behavior has changed and the Entrepreneur that is quick to recognize this is the one that will win moving forward. 

Here are the three things that you need to consider as you move into 2021. 

We want different things out of life: Our priorities have changed.

Covid has forced people to reflect on their life choices and we have realized what is truly important – our health, happiness, family, friends, and how much more valuable experiences can be over money. Marketing or selling products that offer a simple monetary benefit will likely no longer hit the mark. Instead, customers are much more likely to respond to offerings that can deliver lifestyle benefits or the promise of more time and freedom. The savvy entrepreneur in 2021 will either pivot their offerings to reflect this change in mindset. 

Consider that your employee’s mindset has also very likely changed in line with this. I’m a firm believer that when it comes to customer experience, what happens on the outside is a direct reflection of what is going on the inside. So don’t forget to check in on your employees. Not only is this one of the most valuable, neglected practices of Entrepreneurs, but in the words of Simon Sinek “When we care less about our people, our people become careless.” – and this never ends with a good experience for your customer.

We don’t know who we can trust anymore.

Building consumer trust was always up there on the top of the priority list, but it has suddenly become even more essential. As a result of all of the mixed messages from our government leaders and the media, people are beginning to lose trust in all manner of things. This is especially important to consider because levels of personal trust tend to be linked with people’s broader views in life. Customers are now questioning more than ever before whether the companies that they buy from really have their best interests at heart – the companies that win in 2021 will put building their customer’s trust above anything else. 

Customers have more time on their hands…and this isn’t necessarily a good thing – for you.

The small things have now become big things. Once upon a time, we used to buy our groceries and not think twice about them. But not anymore. Perpetuated by continuous lockdowns and the inability to live normal lives full of well, relatively interesting events, things such as shopping for food has become the highlight of our lives and we now overthink everything!

We are focusing so much attention on previously insignificant details of our lives in an attempt to create some certainty. Entrepreneurs should be aware that even the tiniest flaw in their customer experience has the potential to cause their customers to abandon their offerings. Every detail matters, now more than ever!

What’s your entrepreneurial archetype? 

Are you the type of Entrepreneur that will thrive in 2021? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out.