“Do one thing every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Want to know what I love?
People who break a few rules!
Seriously. I really enjoy watching people who live life with a big old splash of that ‘devil-may-care’ attitude.
Not constantly looking backwards over their shoulder…
“Good for you!” I think to myself.
Now, just to be clear; I’m not talking about throwing all caution to the wind and acting like a frivolous teen.
Nor am I suggesting that you cast aside the serious concerns, responsibilities and decision making of daily life.
But if you look around, and pick up on the people you secretly admire or follow, what might they have in common?
– Are they energetically pursuing something important to them (but maybe not to everyone around them)?
– Are they confident?
– Do they have a wonderfully unique and authentic voice?
– Are they brave, inspirational and (frequently) unconcerned with ‘the norm’?
Maybe it’s because I feel strongly about the constraints others often try to impose on us, but increasingly I find myself drawn to stories of those who have really shown us how to shake it up.
And what’s not to love about anyone well meaning, who displays their unique abilities or standpoint in life with a flourish? Someone who isn’t afraid to speak out, speak up and do things differently?
Right now I’m thinking of spirited, inspirational women in modern times, such as Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, the marvellously astute (96 year old) Iris Apfel, Madonna, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Gloria Steinem (dubbed the ‘Mother of Feminism’ and perhaps best known for her undercover journalism as a Playboy bunny)… to name but a few.
But don’t we all know someone a bit more risqué or outspoken in our own, more relatable, circle?
(… and perhaps secretly hanker to be a teeny bit more like them?)
Here are 3 great reasons for exploring those best hidden parts of you:
1. A Spirit Of Adventure Costs Nothing
One attitude I encourage you to develop is that of being an adventurer.
- When you’re eager to explore and be bold, it’s amazing how many unexpected doors open for you over the course of a lifetime.
- Step up and ask for what you want.
- Try new things – often!
- Open yourself up to what’s around you.
This receptive, ‘open’ mindset is surely one of the greatest attributes that you can cultivate.
2. You’ll Get More Enjoyment Out Of Life
Worried that breaking a few rules will diminish what others think of you?
Remember this; when you constantly censor yourself to please others – no one wins. You’ll notice that the most joyful among us are usually quite free spirited.
So, walk the road less travelled.
Learn to take a few more calculated risks.
Forgive the cliché, but life is meant for living. So dive in and enjoy it!
3. It Feels Good To Be Authentic
None of us wants to go through life upsetting others.
But nor can we try to please everyone else at our own expense.
Consequently, finding balance between the personal, family, career and social areas of your life can be exhausting. But without a detached eye on what’s going on in your life as a whole – how perhaps you may be neglecting one of these areas – you can’t hope to achieve real growth and happiness.
What you can do is be YOU. And do what feels right for you.
So don’t always conform to general standards, perceived ‘rules’, and ways of doing things that somehow don’t reflect who you are.
Instead ask yourself;
“What makes me happy?”
“What do I want to put out into the world?”
“How can I add value to those around me whilst being the authentic me?”
The Takeaway.
The more experience of life I have – after over half a century of travels, meeting incredible people from all walks of life on several continents, coaching, observing, coming back from my own struggles – the more I realise that the best way to experience the fullness of life is by expressing yourself truthfully.
So; if you want to sing – then sing!
If you want to work in the Arts, on a boat, in Africa, in space – if you find great joy in working with others, alone, on humanitarian projects – if you have a gift for writing, working with figures, organising events – whatever it is….
Follow that passion, break a few rules – and, above all, enjoy the adventure!
That’s being YOU.
(…and Ps? You are fabulous!)
Interested to hear how I broke a few rules myself? If you’re not already a subscriber, head back to my Home Page by clicking here – sign up with your name and email address at the bottom of the page – and I’ll send you a FREE sneak peek of my latest e-Book;
‘Wings for Life: Your Pathway To Freedom After Emotional Upheaval’
Want to read on? Check out these related articles;
Where Angels Fear To Tread; Can You Be Naughty And Nice?
Learning To Love Yourself: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Originally published at www.sarah-virag.com