Empower Your Personal Transformation

Being able to adapt and enjoy our life in a new way — the bounce back factor, that is, resilience. And you are right, life isn’t easy and in our eyes at times, isn’t fair — it takes all we got sometimes to get out of bed in the morning, and that’s OK.

The single most important thing to remember is that we are not alone on our journey, there are others here. Wherever we are in life there are people that rise out of nowhere exactly when we need them. I know developing a positive attitude sounds cliche and it certainly is difficult to keep it up during times of adversity, but when we are able to step back a little, most often what we need the most is right in front of our eyes, right where we are, usually within reach.

My personal journey has shown me that with dedication and daily practice, we can cultivate the good, focus on what we want and eventually create a new inner world — that is our transformation.

In 2012, my job was eliminated, a month later I was diagnosed with cancer. Without reliable income I used what little retirement I had managed to save up to live on. A year later I lost three people who were very close to me in six months time. Yes, there were plenty of days during that time when I felt like giving up and some days I did. The point I wish to make is that we need to take the dark days for what they are — dark days. Rest, cry, stay in bed for a day or two but after your fill of crying — GET UP.

3 To-the-Point Tips to Help Empower your Personal Resilience

  1. Get a book from the library or watch Super Soul Sunday on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network offers extraordinary uplifting and personal development programming. Find your faith wherever or whatever it is.
  2. Go to church, meditate at a local buddhist temple, sit by the ocean and write. The conversation is with ourselves, and with God, Higher Power, Universe. The questions become; how can I look at this problem differently, how can I adapt, how can I change for the better — what is the gift?
  3. Develop Positive Self Talk. You’ve got to keep reaching. You have got to keep loving. And eventually, when we do the work, developing our heart and training our mind to believe in love and possibility, we are lead into a new and beautiful space of peace and wise acceptance — our resilience.

“Failure isn’t the opposite of success, it’s a stepping stone to success.”

— Thrive Global

You can read more of my story — LOVE MATTERS at my blog yesrising.com.

Originally published at yesrising.com on June 5, 2017.

Originally published at medium.com