COVID-19 has changed our lives. Kids are facing the brunt of it. Earlier they were busy attending schools, after school pick-up and drops for extracurricular activities, music, and sports workshops, etc., whatever little time they or we (as parents) were left with was about chasing deadlines. The last date for project submission of this or that, chatting up with friends at the condos…Fast forward to our lives now. Kids are stuck at home. And if you ask me, they are in a pretty bad situation. It’s like a prison. Their age isn’t about immobility. At this age, kids are meant to have their wings on. They should have been out in the ground playing football, running around, chasing butterflies.

But, we got to face reality. These are hard times. The optimistic me sees a ray of hope. Now that the kid is home (and so am I), let me upskill my 6-year old. Let me teach him a few life skills which will help in evolving. The skills which will help him survive the times to come. Those skills which every adult should teach his/her child.
3 Life skills for kids:
In addition to the basic sessions focusing on age-apt academics, this is the best time when a parent can introduce these 3 life skills to a child to ensure the little or not-so-little one values time, relationships and other life pillars which will help him understand the meaning of life in general and whole:
1. Managing relationships
What a wonderful time for your child to develop relationships with the family members (especially the older generation). Helping in chores, sitting together during meal times, watering plants, etc are the moments spent well. At the end of the day, it’s valuable to get some insights, to do friendly circle time with the family to reflect, to share thoughts and feelings, and also to listen to each others’ stories and perspectives. Building on interpersonal relationships goes a long way. To be able to interact with other people and be able to deal better lays the foundation of solidarity and success.
2. To be more empathetic
This is the time when the child should be able to understand and feel what the other person is going through. Good positive discussions between the family members will encourage instilling the act and power of empathizing in the child.
3. Being emotive
As parents, we should help our children to understand and manage their feelings and emotions. The children should know that everyone has feelings, some sad and some happy. What is important is we should be able to express our feelings in such a way that others understand and also doesn’t hurt others.