Fall is a time for transformation. For me, being open to the journey of authentic living is my path’s deepest intention. And a commitment to authenticity leads to transformation. As a wife, friend, psychotherapist and Buddhist woman in this world, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share my truth, the power of my fearless inner feminine power. To look within takes courage and we should be more afraid of avoiding our internal path than walking on it.
Shifting From External to Internal
As women, we experience continuous pressure to do more with less all while looking perfect. In a society that privileges physical beauty, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race of striving for external perfection. It’s time to look within. Put forth the intention of shedding that negative self-talk (i.e., “she’s prettier, skinnier and more perfect than me”) to discover the balance of your inner beauty. Mindfulness is the gateway into the temple of your deepest gifts in this life ~ the essence of who you are.
Mindfulness has the amazing capacity to be the Yin to our Yang (our over-scheduled-iPhone-crazed-hurried lives). Practicing mindfulness can create a greater sense of inner peace, emotional balance and joy by being in acceptance of the present moment experience without judgment. It’s energizing to realize we hold power to increase our sense of internal beauty as we tap into our innate feminine power.
Here’s how! Excavate your Inner Feminine Goddess with these three mindful strategies
1. Detox From Social Media
Let’s face it, social media is a breeding ground for envy, jealousy, and resentment. The constant social comparison we engage in while scanning our Facebook feeds stunts our capacity to be in the present moment with ourselves.
When you feel the urge to grab that iPhone while waiting to check-out at the grocery store, pause to notice your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. Mindfully ride that impulsive wave, acknowledging it without reacting. To recognize and honor the urge frees up space to choose an intentional response. For example, taking 5 deep breaths instead of reactively scrolling your Twitter feed. Technology is all around us, and it’s not going away so use it as an opportunity to cultivate mindful awareness.
2. Find Your Mantra
A Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning “sacred utterance” that is repeated in meditation. Choose a word or phrase that holds meaning to you in your life. Allow your mantra to be words of affirmation that you use throughout your year – and in years to come!
When you repeat your personal mantra out loud, allow the vibrational quality to penetrate your heart. When you surrender to a mantra, you will enable it to wash over you in the present moment. As you rest in pure awareness of your here-and-now experience, your inner beauty shines. In these mantra moments, you’re not trying to be anyone or anything else, but rather, you’re embracing the authenticity of who you are.
Mantras can be a powerful portal to feeling more beautiful from the inside out as we reprogram our minds.
3. Smile Through Your Heartspace
Happiness is a woman’s greatest accessory. When we smile from the inside out, beauty radiates from our, and people gravitate towards us. Imagine the bright, radiating sun on a stormy day. Although grey and ominous clouds blanket the sky, the sun continues to reside behind the clouds, emanating with warmth. Imagine your heart as the radiant sun and the clouds as stress, insecurity, and self-destructive thoughts. When our hearts are clouded, our inner light feels dim, and it becomes difficult to connect with ourselves and others.
Practice keeping a half smile while sitting on your meditation cushion or during your yoga practice. Notice how your heart responds when you smile – do you feel a sense of warmth? Tingling? Openness?
When you make happiness a daily practice, it opens the heart, allowing your authentic inner beauty to shine through. Through the journey of my own heart opening meditations, I feel more loving towards myself and the world. I’ve realized that this Inner Goddess sits on a throne of kindness, compassion, and gratitude. I’m grateful to have a heart-connected relationship with her.
With some mindful awareness, you can cultivate a relationship with your feminine power. Begin living your personal best, beautiful life today.