Over the years I’ve read many entrepreneurial books around money, success, and mindset – you know like the popular ones you might have heard of or read, Think and Grow Rich, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. In addition to diving into the minds of these successful mentors via books, I’ve watched and attended online seminars, webinars and training. And you know what, they all have one thing in common that drives them towards success, and that is, having a winning mindset. A millionaire mindset, success mindset, abundance mindset, or you could call it a positive mindset. One thing for sure is, having a growth mindset is one of the key ingredients to achieving success in life and in business.
If you’re ready to transform your life and live the next level you, here are 3 mindset shifts to implement right away for success as an entrepreneur:
- If you haven’t done so already, start developing a growth mindset
Most people, when they have setbacks ask, “why me” or in fact stop because they have failed. Instead, pick back up and take a look at what you can do differently. Ask yourself, “what can I learn from this”, “how can I make this better”, “what am I missing”.
Start being the boss of your mind. When things don’t go as planned or when you don’t hit your goals, your mind can get very chatty like kids in a schoolyard. When that happens, stomp out those “what ifs”, hush those chatterboxers (not a word… it is now :), stop those negative thoughts from creeping in and bring back your focus. Focus on the next action step that will help you achieve your goals.
Focus on what you need to do to hit $5k, $10k, land your next client, or your next business goal. Every win, big or small – is a win. Focus on winning and growth opportunities.
- Be Aligned with your Goals
As an entrepreneur, there are many things to do and many hats to wear. Perhaps you are the marketing team, sales team, tech team, customer support team, admin team, and on top of all that you have to ensure your clients are happy, or maybe you have days worth of content to crank out, a challenge to host, a landing page to create, and client calls. Whatever the case is for you, time is a resource and time is money so be intentional with your daily plans.
Start each day with the intention to hit your goals. Ask yourself, “will this task bring me closer to $10k?”, “will this help me land a client?”, “does this help me create the life I desire?”, “is what I’m doing aligned with who I want to be?”.
When you travel you don’t just hop on a plane, right? You know exactly how you will get from New York to Fiji. You book a flight, you know what airport you are going to, what time you need to be there, what terminal, what seat and you know where you are landing. This may sound simple, but crucially important to do – know what you want in your business, know your plan to get there, set goals to get there and take actions that are aligned with your goals.
- You have the Power
You might not think this, or maybe you forgot, so I’ll remind you that you hold the power to your success. Your thoughts can either drive you towards success or create roadblocks along your entrepreneurial journey. During tough times, this may seem far out of reach. But, only you can take yourself out of that ditch and climb up that ladder that is right behind you. When times are tough, you might not see opportunities that are around you nor do you have the motivation to move forward. But, do you want to stay stuck? Don’t see the ladder, think of solutions. Create opportunities for yourself. Don’t wait for things to change. Do it crying, do it scared, do it messy, do it crawling, whatever it is, push forward, don’t stop. Like they say after the storm comes the rainbow.
Think about a time that you accomplished something, think about small wins and big wins, did you achieve something big, did you finally do that thing that you’ve always wanted to do, did you overcome a challenge or did you go through a transformational journey? Well, that’s proof right there that you hold the power, because you’ve done it before, and you came this far, now go and do it again. You got this.