When wellness becomes your job, you tend to hold yourself to all kinds of higher standards.

But just like you’ll never have a perfect relationship with food, you’re also going to make mistakes when it comes to counseling clients and running your business. (Hey, you may be a pro, but you’re still human!)

While you should give yourself space to make mistakes, it can help to know about some common ones to watch out for.

Here are a couple you can get ahead of, now. To learn about more common mistakes and how to avoid them, register for the next session of the Nutritious Life Certification course.

3 Mistakes Wellness Pros Make

1. Going too deep with clients

We are all about making sure every strategy we share is backed by science. And for some people, understanding why they’re being told to do something is important to their success. However, some clients will tune you out if you give them too much information, and those who are not science-minded will stare at you like you are speaking in tongues if you start talking about the role of choline. In that case, it may be better to just stop at “eat eggs for breakfast.”

2. Thinking you need to know everything

There is always, and will always be, more to learn. You cannot be expected to be the Google of nutrition knowledge. When you are confident in what you do and don’t know, you gain credibility and respect. Work towards having the confidence to say you haven’t read that article or heard about that topic but will follow up.

RELATED: Enroll now to become Nutritious Life Certified!

3. Overworking

This one’s directly related, because thinking you need to know everything can definitely result in working way too hard. When you’re trying to get your clients to succeed, there can be a tendency to want to do the work for them. You are responsible for providing great information and helping your clients figure out how to best apply that information to their lives. Your clients are responsible for doing the work. You also have to run a business, and you can’t do that if you’re not living the healthy, not-totally-stressed lifestyle you’re recommending to the people who hire you.

Want to learn how to avoid or these mistakes and many others? Enroll now to become Nutritious Life Certified in our Fall 2020 class and officially jumpstart your health and wellness career!

—originally published on Nutritious Life.


  • Keri Glassman, MS, RD

    Registered Dietitian, Founder

    Nutritious Life

    Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, is a renowned celebrity nutritionist, healthy cooking expert, and wellness thought-leader. She is the founder and CEO of Nutritious Life (a 2019 Webby Honoree) and The Nutritious Life Studio, an online certification that provides unparalleled, forward-thinking education to individuals of various backgrounds looking to establish successful careers in the health and wellness industry. Keri is a Today Show Tastemaker and a contributing editor and advisory board member for Women’s Health Magazine. She is the author of four bestselling books and is regularly featured on national television programs like The Today Show, Good Morning America, and The Rachael Ray Show.