We work too hard and then crash. It’s become such a “thing” that it’s awkward to even mention having a spare moment in an office setting… Did you really binge on Netflix all weekend?
After reflecting on societies backward culture and crashing too many times myself, I wondered – what does it take to keep your energy bank account always in the green?
Here are 3 scientifically proven tips I’ve learned over the years that help me stay naturally wired and ready to conquer my day. Carpe Diem Ladies and Gents!
1 – Exercise – At least a little bit, every day.
You want to feel more energized, well here’s the secret… spend more energy. Seems a little backward, huh. Maybe, but it works and it’s scientifically backed.
Researchers at the University of Georgia studied 36 people that suffered from chronic fatigue by placing them into three research groups. Group 1 completed 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, the equivalent of running uphill, 3 times a week. Group 2 completed 20 minutes of low-intensity aerobic exercise, the equivalent of a leisurely walk, 3 times a week. Group 3 did not exercise. The results? Both groups test experienced increased energy and the control group… well, they didn’t.
2 – Drink Healthy
As we millennials like to say, you are what you eat (or drink). Which means that, when you drink Coke-a-Cola all day, you are nothing but an effervescing stew of sugar and artificial flavors. Let’s just forget 5-hour energy – unless you want to be a pool of chemicals? And what about that angelic brown gasoline that hijacked our mornings? It’s no better, highly caffeinated drinks are like high-interest rate loans on your energy bank account. They provide a short spike, but you need to front the bill eventually.
So what’s the solution? Some high-quality H2O.
We are made of water – literally, 50-60% of our bodies are that polygamous marriage between an Oxygen and two Hydrogens. Stay healthy by following the millennial expression… you are what you drink. In this case, water.
It’s recommended to drink 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Why that amount? Nobody knows. It doesn’t matter, the point – drink water often throughout your day. A funny and practical way to understand your hydration levels – look in the toilet after going to the bathroom. Apple Juice = Dehydrated. Lemon Lime Gatorade = Hydrated.
If you want to get the extra kick without the high-interest rate, try a natural caffeine like matcha green tea. It’s got a light caffeine boost to give you some energy, but instead of the jittery spike, has an amino acid called L-theanine which distributes the caffeine in your blood over 4-6 hours. No more nausea, jitters, or upset-stomach, just clean and focused energy.
Remember this, Green food and drink = Green Bank Account.
3 – Meditate
Want more energy, sit cross-legged in total silence with your eyes shut for at least 10 minutes. This will give you more energy. Surprised? Yeah, me too. The proof is in the science, so let’s take a look.
Researchers at the University of Waterloo found that meditation can increase your energy levels. In the study, there were two groups, a control group that read every day and the experimental group that meditated each day. After each session, the groups followed up with a Profile of Mood State test at 5 and 10 minutes intervals. The experimental group performed better in both follow-up periods. And, in an extra measure of depth, scored higher on executive functioning tests later on as well.
If you’re intrigued, it’s easy to get started… just sit still for 10 minutes without distractions.
In Conclusion
There you have it ladies and gents, by following the tips outlined in this post, you can stay more energized and feel a lot better, too. You’ll be so darn productive that you’ll finally be able to watch that Netflix show your friends have been nagging you about.