As we grow in our desires in life, we may realize that the thing that we went to college for is actually not the thing that we want to spend the rest of our lives doing.
And eventually, the question might come up about getting a new degree or certification in order to make the jump into what we really want to do.
Here are three reasons why certifications aren’t actually worth it. And, why I became certified as a life coach even though I know the certification is mostly BS.
1. Getting certified is outside validation that you likely don’t need.
I recently got officially certified as a life coach. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to.
But, I’ll admit that going into it, I knew that the certification was 80% bullshit.
First of all, in order to call yourself a “life coach,” you do not actually need a certification.
But, I did it because I wanted the official certification. I wanted some new tools that I didn’t already have so that I can serve better. And, I wanted to learn more.
Certifications are everywhere. And, there are slews of companies setting up courses to become certified in everything from Yoga to Coaching to Project Management.
And, the thing is that while the basics of these courses might be the same, you can learn and pay vastly different amounts and still earn the same certification.
I mean, I paid $40 to become First Aid/CPR certified online last month. I now get to carry a perforated paper card around with me, and I know exactly what to do if you get struck by lightning.
That’s right. I spent $40, watched a few videos online, did a short in-person practice, and now I can officially help save lives. And, I have a paper card in my wallet to prove it.
2. Certified does not equal qualified.
Earning your certification mostly only proves that you are good at passing tests.
If you are a great test-taker, getting certified will be simple. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are qualified.
In most cases, your experience and your passion is enough to qualify you.
3. Certifications aren’t a guarantee for success.
I’m sure you know of a really great cook who never took a cooking class and did not go to culinary school. (Hello, Racheal Ray and probably your grandmother.)
I’m sure you’ve had teachers in school who had the same exact degree. One was awesome. One sucked.
Certifications aren’t bad, they just aren’t a guarantee for success.
Natural talent. Practice. Passion. Integrity. Determination. Those are guarantees.
Do the thing. Have the power.
So, that thing that you really want to do that you feel like to are too old/too late/too unqualified/too young/too WHATEVER.
You’re not.
Because at the end of the day, it’s not the certification that qualifies you.
It’s what you do with it.
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