Emotional wellness is one of the ingredients to a healthy life. Unfortunately, the pandemic has resulted in over 60% of countries reporting disruptions to mental health services. (Source: World Health Organization) Children, young adults, and the elderly are vulnerable groups in terms of mental health. Opportunities for socialization have been severely restricted. Emotional wellness can take a backseat during times of crisis.
The good news is that you can maintain your emotional wellness by recognising what makes you feel a certain way. If something makes you happy, do it more often. If something makes you sad, try to reduce or eliminate any potential triggers. For example, you may feel happy when you see a comedy movie. On the other hand, you may feel upset when you increase your consumption of negative news.
Emotional wellness also requires you to accept your emotions. For instance, some people deny negative emotions like frustration or jealousy. This can harm a person in the long run. Accepting negative emotions is the first step to overcoming them.
Here are the three reasons why emotional wellness is the need of the hour.
- Helps build better relationships: Relationships work when two or more people try to understand each other. Any healthy relationship is one where two people are able to maintain both their well-being and the well-being of others in the relationship. If you learn how to recognize and regulate your emotions, you can form better relationships. For example, you can recognize if someone is upset and needs space. You can learn to appropriately showcase emotions and know how to ask for emotional support.
- Helps you improve the quality of your life: If you are emotionally healthy, you will be able to improve the quality of your life. You can take actions to improve the quality of your life. These include joining a wellness program that helps you achieve your wellness goals. Alternatively, you may join a support group. Staying with like-minded individuals helps you form bonds with people you can rely upon when you need emotional help.
- Good emotional health can increase your self-esteem: Your thoughts have a direct impact on your self-esteem. Good emotional health and positive thoughts ensure that you can increase your level of self-esteem.
Here are some strategies you can follow to enhance your emotional health.
- Attend networking events: Networking events are a great opportunity to discover individuals with similar interests. During the pandemic, many people have started attending networking events online.
- Consume positive content: Consume positive content. For example, you can watch motivational or humorous videos.
- Engage in physical activity: Physical activity can help enhance your emotional health. You can either go for a short walk in your local park or go to the gym. During the pandemic, you can also opt to engage in exercise at home and seek personal training by a trainer online.
Everyone goes through negative thoughts from time to time. One should always try to deal with their emotions in the best possible way.