It’s pumpkin spice, turkey leg, and gift-giving season.                                                            What does this mean for your career search?

We all know that it can take months to land a job the from the interview process to background checks. But… is it a wise investment with your time to apply now?

? The answer is YES!!! ? Based on several studies, the research proves that starting now is a great way to hit your new year out of the park.

Here’s why…

1- Companies ALREADY know who they are letting go of in the first quarter…which is great news for job seekers.

a. As the holidays can be a trying time for many, companies are waiting until after the new year to replace employees. This means that they are already lining up applicants for positions they are looking to fulfill now. It is an opportune time to network and get in front of HR/Recruiters/Executives while everyone else is waiting to start their career search in January.

? FACT: “A new survey of recruiters by online executive career network ExecuNet says that 69% report place as many, or even more, candidates in December as in any other month.”

2- The holidays are the EASIEST job market of the whole year!

a. No kidding… As most companies are winding down during the end of the fiscal year it also means that they have the time to allocate to finding the perfect candidate. The stress levels aren’t as high making this more relaxed environment an added bonus for those seeking a new career path.

? FACT: “December is the easiest job market of the whole year — followed by January, which is the toughest and most competitive,” says Susan Joyce, who runs career site

3- You can kick-start your bucket list for 2019 now!

a. Companies aren’t waiting to plan their next year on January 1… why should you?Create a plan to land your dream job and take the steps to make it a reality:

  • Hire someone to professionally revamp your resume. Make sure they spend a minimum of 2.5 hours with you over the phone. Anything less usually results in a template resume that won’t separate you from the competition.
  • Don’t forget to incorporate SEO words that are industry specific in all of your promotional materials. (cover letter, resume, LinkedIn profile)
  • Make sure that every single line of your resume sells you on paper. This means no generic content (i.e. “excellent verbal communication, team player). Replace these obvious phrases with ones that show why you are an attractive investment to a company.
  • Use this new powerful sales copy to not only get you in the door but, also as talking points to sell yourself at the interview.

END RESULT: Now, you can confidently apply for the job you are desiring with a professional, targeted resume that WOWS employers.

While everyone else is sipping on eggnog and creating new year’s resolutions, take advantage of how you can propel your career in a few simple steps.

Happy Holidays!!

X Lisa

To your success…

* Research and case studies compiled from