Time management and productivity is a long trial-and-error process. I’ve been an entrepreneur and involved in multiple businesses in various sectors over the past ten years, and I’ve always been obsessed with performance. I’ve tested and tried different routines, structures, and systems to achieve the most work in a day without having to jeopardize quality me-time.
No one wants to be buried under their work pile, but to find a balance while still meeting deadlines can be challenging.
How do you get more done, and avoid burning out?
Here’s 3 things that has worked the best for me
1. Time blocks/Prioritization
2. Clear morning routine
3. Tracking to do lists
Before building my daily schedule, I ask myself ’what are the 2 to 3 things I absolutely want to get done before the day ends?’ I block off enough time for it in my schedule, which ensures me it will get done.
My time blocks are 190 minutes long, and my phone is on airplane mode during that duration. I avoid every distraction so I can fully focus on my task, until my 190 minutes alarm rings. I then check if I have any time-sensitive messages to answer, I stretch or do a mini home-workout, and take a few minutes to breathe.
I am always impressed by how much I can get done in such a small period of time when my task is my sole focus.
I have a very organized morning routine that allows me to be in alignment with my soul and ground myself before work begins. It’s very important for me not to start my day rushing into the work load, and to take the time to connect to my inner self.
Whether you are more spiritual and intuitive or not, you should to have a morning routine that is efficient and sets the mood for the day.
A good morning routine is one that does not begin with any stress or rushing. It includes some type of alignment exercises, whether it be meditation, affirmations, visualization, or journaling. Aligning yourself allows you to start your work day with a positive mindset.
It should also include a productive task, even if that is only to make your bed. Beginning the day by accomplishing something, even if very small, will motivate you to accomplish more.
We all have lists of things to get done, but rarely have them organized. The first thing on your to-do list should be to have all your lists at the same place, under categories.
You can use a journal to do that, and there are also apps, like ToDoist, that can help you organize and track your lists. A simple Excel sheet can work as well.
My to do lists categories are : Daily, weekly, and monthly to do. Bills and payments. As well as reminders.
I like to review and update my list before going to bed so that when I wake up in the morning I already know what to expect from the day.
Remember that if you want your life to be productive, it starts with becoming organized.