Two years ago, I longed to read more. But I couldn’t remember when I’d picked up a book last.
I told myself that I could never find the time with three kids and a full-time job. And I believed it.
But then, I stumbled upon a challenge to read a book a week for a year. Missing your book at any time resulted in you having to pay $20 into a pot. I realized that this was an opportunity to walk my talk. So, I went for it.
I read growth, business, and fiction books all year long.
What I learned that year was simple and profound. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. I catapulted my business, raised my health game, and was able to protect my mental health during the pandemic. It changed my thinking forever.
Now, the challenge ended, but I keep reading. And as a result, I’m always on the lookout for new books, bookshelves, and comfortable reading spaces.
Today, we’re talking about making an inviting place to read. If you have a spot that calls to you, you’ll be more likely to choose your book over those tempting digital devices. And more likely to learn something the world (or you) will thank you for later.
Here’s how to get your perfect reading space set up:
1. Pick a spot
If you live in a small space, don’t fret! This doesn’t have to be an entire room. Find a corner of a room or even a place you can use for multiple purposes if needed. But pick it out specifically for this purpose.
*If you have a family, make sure your kids have a spot too, or make it a family spot if it’s big enough. Check out these great 5 year old books for book ideas for them.
2. Make it comfy
You’ll need a soft throw and perhaps a few pillows. If you have more space, add a nightstand to put down your cup of tea or coffee on. Twinkle lights or a lamp can help set the mood too. (Near a fireplace is dreamy as well!) Do what you can to make this an extremely inviting place in your home.
3. Always have a book on hand
This is perhaps the most important. Use your library card or buy books on discount or Amazon. But, by having several books to choose from at any given time, you’ll be 10x more likely to read in your special corner.
In Conclusion
To make your reading corner even more special, reserve special snacks or drinks for only when you sit in that spot. And make sure your phone is hidden away. This is your time to learn, grow, and escape to faraway places. It’s a treasured experience, so don’t be afraid to give it the reverence it deserves.
Where is your favorite place to read? Leave a comment and let me know!