“Since the onset of Covid-19 there has been an increase in sedentary behavior, especially with more people at home during lockdowns, and more unemployment,” Matt West, co-founder of boom journal “Not only have we witnessed physical effects but also the mental challenges presented by the pandemic have taken their toll,” he said.
Mindful Movement goes a long way
Discovering a way to establish a routine and schedule of healthy habits is also key, Matt said. “Build time into your schedule for regular mindful movement and writing. Establish balance with a schedule, even in quarantine, it is essential for avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and its negative mental and emotional effects.”
When you think of mindfulness, what do you picture? Someone sitting with their legs crossed on a yoga mat. Yes. Mindfulness could be that, but at the core of it, it’s about focusing our attention. And one of the most powerful tools in your mindfulness toolkit is something you may not have considered: mindful movement and writing.
Why movement and mindfulness go hand in hand
Mindfulness—paying attention to the details of the world around us—is key to creating powerful art. Just as mindfulness can strengthen our ability to combat stress and anxiety. Getting into the habit of mindfully moving and writing down your observations in a journal is key.
When was the last time you really paid attention to the feeling of warm sand between your toes at the beach? As you start your mindfully journaling and moving, you’ll find yourself gradually feeling more present in your daily life.
How to start mindfully journaling and moving
Mindful journaling and moving can take many forms, but here are a few ideas to help you get started.
Step 1:Move Mindfully.
Do a quick 10 minute HIIT workout, but pay close attention to your body and your surroundings. How does the ground feel against your feet as you move? What is the quality of light around you? What can you hear, taste, smell, touch, see?
Step 2: Reflect Back.
Mindful journaling starts with just be in your body and allow yourself to feel. When you arrive at your destination, use all five senses to descript your thoughts. Write down what you noticed.
Step 3: Get into the habit.
Try to set aside a regular time for movement and journaling. Maybe you can take 10 minutes after you brush your teeth, do a work fitness workout, or jolt down some thoughts at the end of each day to write about what you’ve been noticing, what you appreciate, and what you will let go of.