The focus of society these days seems to be how and when we can get back to normal, post coronavirus. While it may not quite be ready to fully reopen, we are starting to see some of the restrictions relaxed.
If you’re like me, you may be looking ahead and wondering what ‘normal’ might look like. Can I suggest a few things to consider as you begin to plan how and when you will return to your pre-corona activities?
Make A Personal Decision – I’ve heard it said about this crisis that we are all in the same storm, but in a different boat. It’s very important to remember that we are not all in the same boat and therefore we will all need to make smart and safe decisions for our family on how and when we return to normal activities.
In this type of situation there may be a lot of pressure and influence, on social media or the news, or judgement from other individuals on the choices you are making in your situation. Don’t let these influences cause you to make a decision you are not comfortable with, or you may regret in the long term. This is a unique and unprecedented situation, no-one knows the right answer on how and when to return to activities, everything is someone’s opinion.
Make your own personal assessment, create your own opinion, and act accordingly. Make your personal decisions according to the information you have available to you, and change that decisions as needed if new information becomes available.
Consider Which New Habits You Want to Keep – During the course of the 45 days or so that I have been isolated at home, I have implemented several new routines and habits. I’m sure you’ve heard different statistics on the time it takes to install a habit, ranging anywhere from 20 to 66 days. No matter what the exact number is, we have definitely been home long enough to get a good strong start on implementing new habits.
Before you jump back into you pre-coronavirus activities and situations, make sure and spend some time reflecting on the habits you have created and consider whether or not you should make a determined effort to continue those habits. I for one plan to keep up with my daily walks and eating more meals at home.
Choose Activities Wisely – Finally, if you think back to your lifestyle before this crisis, I’m sure you will remember there were some activities and events that you participated in grudgingly, or even with dread or anxiety. Now is the time, and this situation is the excuse, to eliminate those activities from your schedule moving forward.
Before you jump right in to all of your old activities, take some time to reflect on what you have not missed and see if this experience is an opportunity to improve your life and circumstances. When we open back up, you don’t have to go back to every activity you were doing before quarantine. You get to choose how and where you spend your time.
I am always a proponent of using the opportunities that are provided to you, for your benefit. I want to encourage you to make the most of this unexpected and unusual situation by being thoughtful and intentional with regard to the choices you make as you begin to re-enter the new normal, post coronavirus.
You have the power to build the life you desire, this might be the perfect opportunity for you to take some powerful steps in the right direction.