Your life is waiting.
I talk about fear often. Because I know that fear holds us back from greatness. At the end of our lives, do we really want to be able to say, “I always played it safe.” Or, “I never bothered anyone.” Yeah, I didn’t think so…
We need to wake up now and start overcoming our fears so that we can achieve our life’s purpose.
3 Tactics for Overcoming Fear
1. Find something bigger to fear
For example, let’s say that you have a fear of heights. But, then let’s say that your child is stuck on a window ledge. Suddenly, that fear of heights is gone and you rescue your child.
Whatever fear is holding you back (fear of what others might think or say about you, fear of failing, etc.) find a bigger fear.
Pursuing our dreams is often scary because it usually has some sort of risk associated with it. But, instead of focusing on that risk, think about what would happen if you didn’t pursue your dream. All of the missed opportunities and possibilities. Focus on that fear.
2. Surround yourself with the right people
We need to surround ourselves with the right people who can validate what we are doing. People who will have a louder voice than our critics.
Because there will always be critics.
Maybe you are even your own critic? Maybe you’ve said things to yourself like, “This will never work.” — “This is stupid.” — “I am giving up.”
Remember, the only people that care when you complain are the misery loves company type. Other than that, no one actually cares when you complain or throw yourself a pity party.
So, surround yourself with the people who are going to call you out when you start underestimating yourself and hiding behind your fears.
3. Try something new
Trying new things increases our confidence and bravery muscle. Do something you never thought you could do. Show yourself what you are actually capable of doing. I bet your limits are much wider than you realize.
Because suddenly, when you try bigger things, your fears become much smaller in comparison.
Remind yourself often
These are simple tips, but I am constantly reminding myself of them.
Because if we let fear take over, we are not only cheating ourselves, but we are also cheating others of the greatness that we have to offer.
PS — Have you taken the FREE 5-Day Brave & Bold challenge yet? Step out of your comfort zone and BE courageous. Your life is waiting.
Bridgette is Founder and CEO of Mommy Needs a Timeout. She empowers moms to reconnect with their identities OUTSIDE of being a mom, without the guilt.
Originally published at
Originally published at