The Coronavirus outbreak impacts the global workforce viciously. No matter what may come in the future, one thing will change after this crisis ends; our way of work or workflow.

The social distancing and work from home policies have brought up some unprecedented methods of performing the task. No one was expecting or even ready to see this dynamic digital transformation so soon.

We have also witnessed companies performing tasks that could not even have been imagined before the Covid-19 breakout. Either its Tesla producing Ventilators from car parts or Brooks brothers producing surgical masks. This exceptional transforming and encouraging employees to perform different tasks opens up some new perspective to use the department’s workforce skills that require global attention.

Following this breakthrough, some methods come to light that would help to shift the productive workforce to the required sectors. This would help to robust the organizational functions and maintain agility in uncertain times.

1. Convenient Shift of Work within the Organization

You never what crisis is waiting for us next door. The organization should
make their work portable enough to shuffle the workforce quickly whenever it is needed.

Various organizations have created multiple project marketplaces within an organization that help the company select the task and select the right employee with relevant skills to schedule their availability easily. Many organizations, including Cisco, have already applied set up these project marketplaces.

With these marketplaces’ help, organizations can easily give priorities to
the critical task and shortlist the employees required to fulfill the task.

Also, assigning jobs in particular sections will make it a lot easier to
check what task can be performed remotely and make them into new job opportunities by assigning tasks across borders and other geographic locations.

2. Robust Automation

This crisis explains automation’s significance and debunks all the theories that considered automation as the economy killer. Now, it has become necessary in the Covid-19 crisis.

Many retail and utility businesses have already adapted automation for the past few weeks that allows their workers to operate and monitor operation remotely. They managed to run their functions without any

Usage of automation software is not an option now; it is the requirement for every industry. The institute and organization rely completely on manual work facing a tough time receiving payments from clients, thus facing difficulties in fulfilling the payroll process.

 3. Click and Mortar Evolution

Following the lockdown crisis, unessential businesses are forced to shut
down, leading the majority of small brick and mortar businesses to fire
employees and face a huge decline in revenue.

In contrast, the ecommerce merchants have witnessed a great boost in sales.
The aggregate of April sales has increased by 48.5% from March. 43% of online seller claims to achieve higher sales in the time pandemic.

This significant increase in the online purchase was expected as people
reluctant to have any physical interaction and having more online exposure than ever in the lockdown.

The organization will have to revisit the strategies and must shift toward
click and mortar model. Therefore, it is high time to look into new online
business ideas
 and boost the current business’s online presence.

Wrapping up

The world is changing rapidly. To survive this capricious crisis,
organizations need to develop dynamic strategies, constant upgradation, and visualization to prepare a plan for unforeseen scenarios.
