As Covid-19’s effects have impacted all of America, the question of how to deal with the current epidemic has continued to be raised for many. With the number of cases reaching millions & panic and concern sweeping the world effecting the lives and businesses of millions of people, there has to be ways to calm the waters until businesses are 100% operating the way they used to. Here are a few ways businesses and individuals can approach the situation that will lead to better results during this time.

  1. Panic Can Kill More Businesses than Coronavirus Can

For one, there’s a famous saying that it’s not the bite of the snake that kills, but the poison that enters in after. Even though this still is having a very strong impact on millions, we can first regain our stability over the situation by recognizing we can take responsibility into our own hands to ensure life and business continues as best as possible from the comforts of our homes. In the year 2020, we have the best technologies the world has ever seen to empower us to handle much commerce from our phones, laptops, tablets, and desktops, we just have to know how to use it. 

The problem that many are facing are the effects of fear and panic that have immobilized many people throughout the world. In order for us to succeed as a whole during these times, we need to take action, and the correct forms of action. Yet, the media has pushed the coronavirus to become a source of psychological and emotional turmoil for the masses, which doesn’t lead to anything positive. A crucial step in dealing with this is for us to regain composure and a sense of calm that will allow us to approach things most effectively. Yes, we must listen to what the experts are advising us, but this doesn’t have to swallow our entire lives and leave us in a state of shock. For businesses and individuals to be able to capitalize on what we can do now, we have to maintain the inner and personal peace of ourselves and our families.

  1. Replicate Daily Operations with Newly Established Remote Processes

Although many businesses may be stuck in the normal routines and processes that they used to be involved in before the spread of the virus. Executives, Operators, and Managers will have to think outside the box in order to recreate a digital form of what they did prior. For some, it means they cannot use their previous systems as they had done so before. Yet, companies can utilize apps and the most closely related form of software that can be utilized to replicate the formerly used systems. A key tool for remote work is step by step guides and process sheets that show how to deal with various scenarios since less oversight means more personal responsibility for each member of the team. To record the step by step methods that should be utilized in remote settings and distribute the proper materials to each member of the team will be essential to continue business as usual. Once you have a step by step process detailed, structure that over your various lines of communication and process. Have people in charge of monitoring this to ensure efficiency.

  1. Screen Sharing, Time Tracking Apps, Work Monitoring Softwares

Studies have shown that people are more efficient when they are being monitored by authority than when left to their own devices. In order to ensure productivity continues as usual, you’ll have to employ multiple forms of monitoring your employees’ work. Time tracking apps, video calls, screen sharing, work monitoring softwares will all be crucial to ensure that employees will be just as successful working from home as they are in the office. Without these measures, there’s no accountability, and when there’s no accountability, results dwindle.  

Ultimately, the way we approach the trying times of today will determine the fate of many companies. The main thing is to maintain a sense of calm and regain control over the situation. To implement the proper remote strategies that most closely map prior systems will be another crucial element for companies, and to continue to be able to monitor the work of employees will ensure the day to day outcomes remain positive. Although, we do not know how long we will have to undergo this current situation, we can ensure we are set up to endure it as long as needed.


  • Moshe Reuven Sheradsky

    Founder & CEO


    BH: Moshe Reuven is a serial entrepreneur & artist with 1.2 Million Followers. A Tech  Founder, Writer for Live Kabbalah, Featured in Forbes, ABC, NBC, FOX, Thrive Global, the Huffington Post, Blerrp, Medium, Authority Magazine, & more. Moshe blends both the physical and spiritual worlds, writing on how spiritual matters are relevant to the physical and how physical matters are relevant to the spiritual. Moshe enjoys taking interviews with success stories, such as the former CEO of Apple, CEO of Trello, CEO of Udemy, and the like, writing about them in a way that we can all learn from them. Moshe is an Advisor on USF's Digital Marketing Board of Advisors. He is a 2x CMO with backgrounds in Accounting, Behavioral & Social Sciences, Humanities, and Entrepreneurship. Moshe's Tech Startup, WeDu, has been identified by Inc Magazine as one of America's fastest growing companies and a potential honoree of the Inc 5000.