Distractions are everywhere, whether you are trying to get a project done at work or study for your final exam at school there is always something around to create distractions and make you lose focus. The definition of mental focus or concentration is to bring or direct toward a common center or objective. This is tough when the average amount of time people can concentrate on 1 task is 50 minutes, but this can be increased. Let’s take a look at a couple of ways mental focus can be improved.
Put It On The Page
Mental notes can take up space in the mind while working on a project. Try writing down anything you are thinking unrelated to the task at hand, this can include anything from chores to concerns or worries. Placing them in a list helps to assure yourself that they will be addressed, just not at the present moment, freeing space in your mind to focus on your current objective. This can provide more energy for you to focus on completing what you are working on at that moment rather than spending crucial time and energy worrying about the sheer number tasks at hand.
One Thing At A Time
If you are someone who gets easily distracted, focusing on one task at a time can help you become a significantly more efficient individual. It is important to understand exactly what the task is and what it entails, anything outside of that should be considered a distraction to the current project. For example, if someone starts speaking to you as you are working on a project, they may not mean to be, but they are distracting you from your task. A solution to this is asking them to set up a time to talk or if they can wait till you are done completing the task at hand.
Exercising just a few minutes a day can help increase concentration. Even if it’s only a little bit of light stretching or a short walk, physical activity improves mental clarity and enhances memory performance. Being active also stimulates the brain and adds connections in areas that are essential for preserving cognition and memory during the aging process, such as the hippocampus and frontal cortex. Exercise during childhood has been shown to improve developmental level and academic readiness which highlights the beneficial properties of exercise during all stages of life.
These are just a few things can help improve your mental focus. Remember if you improve your mental focus you have the potential to increase production at work or school and open up new possibilities.