Success if often fleeting and momentary success comes and goes. Some people burn out trying to achieve success while others burn out once they get there. Occasionally, someone manages to achieve success while avoiding burnout entirely. Great leaders also know how to not only prevent burnout in themselves, but help stave it off in their people as well. Here are 3 tips to help minimize burnout in yourself and your team through great leadership.
Admit when you are wrong or make a mistake
Vulnerability is possibly one of the hardest and most important qualities a leader can display. Many, if not most, leaders believe that their subordinates expect perfection from them and even those that don’t often demand it of themselves anyway. The need to be perfect is a massive weight to carry, however, and no one can carry that heavy of a weight for long. Leaders and their subordinates that make it for the long haul know how to admit when they are wrong and even allow others to help them course correct or clean up any messes they might make.
Take vacations, days off and time away from the office seriously
Just like our electronics, humans also have a type of battery that needs to be recharged. Also like our electronics, we charge much faster when we disconnect. If you want to help keep your employees from burning out, you need to allow them time to rest, relax, refresh and recharge, but you also need to give that time to yourself. Leaders set the pace for the entire team. If they don’t believe you are resting, relaxing and recharging, they are unlikely to be able to do so either.
Teamwork makes the dream work
They say that it’s lonely at the top. That may be true, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Many leaders admit to feeling a sense of isolation, but that may be more of their own doing than they would like to admit. Teams that hang together best in a crisis or crunch time are generally those that have built strong relationships outside of beforehand. While those relationships certainly can be built at work, they are more often built outside of work. While going out for a beer or pizza with the team after work may not be for every boss or leader, it can go a long way towards helping build the strong bonds necessary to weather the storms of business and of life.