Work is stressful.

Constant interruptions from your team, relentless (and nonstop) chit chat all around you, lack of communication from your boss – and I’m sure you could think of dozens more.

Unfortunately, some of these things are completely out of your control. Here are 3 unusual tips (within your control) that you can do this month to increase your wellbeing while at the office.

Reduce digital eye strain

Excessive use of digital devices (computers, phones, TVs) could lead to digital eye strain. Some symptoms of digital eye strain include blurred vision, eye fatigue, neck pain, headaches, and a few others. For obvious reasons, this is very problematic for office workers, who usually spend their entire day using some sort of digital device.

In order to reduce digital eye strain, you could try to block the blue light that’s being omitted from your devices by wearing simple computer glasses. According to Prevent Blindness, “blue light…can decrease contrast leading to digital eye strain.” Blue light filter glasses (aka computer glasses) are relatively inexpensive if you don’t need a prescription.

And if you can’t (or don’t want to) buy glasses, you could also buy a blue light filter sheet that can be attached to your monitor.

Additionally, another common cause of digital eye strain is simply not blinking. It’s best if you take breaks occasionally by doing the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Escape those fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights are much, much different than incandescent. Fluorescent lights flicker more than a hundred times a second. So fast, that it can’t be perceived with the naked eye.

Here’s a video to demonstrate. Watch until the end.

To some, this flicker can cause immense discomfort and eye strain. So, if you tend to leave work with a headache, fluorescent lights could be the culprit!

Decades ago, there was a study conducted that found that a specific tint called FL-41 could help reduce eye strain associated with fluorescent lighting. There’s quite a bit of science behind this tint that would take much too long to explain here. You can learn more by checking out this guide.

Noise-canceling headphones

If you weren’t aware, major companies like Samsung and Bose sell noise-canceling headphones. They don’t work by squeezing thick and plush pads against your ears to block noise from coming in. They actually work by figuring out what frequency of noise is coming from around you, and then it omits the opposite frequency so that they both cancel out. If you’re curious, retail companies like Best Buy and Bose tend to have them on display for you to try.

Some people don’t prefer them because they usually emit a faint hum, which some people find distracting. Your mileage may vary.

Noise-canceling headphones could be a life-saver for you if you have a very noisy office. They won’t block the noise coming from loud Janice on the phone next to you, but they will eliminate most of the buzz coming from around the office.