Today, I woke up at 5am. I did some meditation, made coffee and sat down at my computer to start work before my 3 year old woke up and my husband began his work day. I could have slept in. Sometimes the feeling of defeat creeps in when I think about how few hours I get to focus on my business or have even an hour of “me time”. I’m not the primary source of income and so caring for our 3 year old is on me. I could focus on what I’m not accomplishing this week in my business as I pivot my attention to care for my very active and spunky daughter. I could declare “sorry dream business you’ll have to wait” and no judgement if that’s where you are right now. But I look for, and find, so much positivity and inspiration every day that lifts me up and keeps me going in the direction I want.
Podcasts and Instagram Lives
I love how so many people are embracing digital platforms to connect with and inspire others. It can be a little overwhelming though with all the content out there! Because I want to remain positive I choose what I listen to pretty carefully.
Yesterday I listened to the latest Boss Babe Podcast interview with Janice Bryant Howroyd, Founder and CEO of the ActOne Group. Janice asked the question, how can you win through this pandemic and not just survive? I love this because it’s an important shift in perspective. Survival implies victimhood whereas winning implies empowerment. I’ve been asking myself “how can I win through this?” and not just with business but also at home. I realize that I’ve been having some great wins! Being fully present with my daughter and having fun. Finishing home projects that hadn’t been getting attention. Honing in how to shop for an entire week’s worth of groceries at once. Finding greater focus on the direction for my business and having some wonderful conversations with people I wouldn’t have necessarily reached out to before. My life is filled with little wins and it all adds up! Now, thanks to Janice and Boss Babes, I’m asking myself that question every day. How can I win through this?
Another inspiring source for me has been Peter Crone, Life Architect. Peter has been doing a number of Instagram Lives that really help to shift perspective on challenging times. In one of these lives he shifts the “fear of uncertain times” in a really powerful way. He explains that the future is always uncertain and that by embracing this uncertainty, the sense of fear starts to lose its power. Now, it’s nice to have some certainty in life, like having a roof over your head, food in the fridge and a healthy family. But as he was talking, I realized that I actually have a preference for, and thrive in, uncertainty and change. Even in difficult times, I’ve always experienced something positive from it. Thanks for that Peter!
Friends and Family
I have been fully embracing zoom meetings as a way to connect with friends and family. From casual happy hours to connecting with my mastermind ladies, this has been invaluable to keeping me connected and inspired.
Several weeks ago, I was feeling frustrated with social distancing and not having my daughter’s preschool open. On one of these zoom calls, a friend shared how much she loved having her kids and husband home with her. She fully embraced the family bonding time and loved teaching her kids things they don’t learn at school, like how to grow vegetables. That made me think more about the positives of having my husband and daughter home with me like eating meals together and playing more. Then it hit me, I was just experiencing some resistance to the change in routine. I reminded myself how much I thrive in change and the resistance started to melt away.
Other friends have shared how nice it is to save time by not commuting or having their significant other home for dinner each night. Now they have time for projects they’ve been meaning to tackle. Pictures of gardens and greenhouses have been popping up in messages on my phone all week! I’ve been sharing my own photos of our new vegetable garden as well that my 3 year old helped to plant. Our latest project is to grow new starts including sunflowers! I love home projects.
Local Businesses
I’ve been so impressed with how local retail businesses have been shifting so quickly to continue to serve their customers. Some have been shifting to online retail sales and creating new offerings like free local delivery. Many local businesses have taken their classes online including craft classes for children, yoga instruction and exercise classes. Seeing their resilience and innovation in the face of a challenge reminds me that I am also capable of this in my business and life.
Community groups and individuals are rallying to support businesses in such an agile way. Go fund me’s have been created for so many businesses and groups of individuals most impacted. I’ve seen funds set up for hair salons and bakers. Sewers are making masks for essential workers. People are volunteering to help neighbors in need. Organizing support for a common cause has never been so easy as it is today. Resiliency really depends on community support.
This is a challenging time for so many people and I’m not suggesting that you disregard your feelings but instead to consider looking for inspiration. Winning through uncertainty. Embracing family time and creating something. Exploring resiliency and innovation in your life and business. Even a small mindful shift can create an avalanche of possibilities. What will you do today?